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Player ID: 26396
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Regeneration : 4
Energetic immunity : 4
Trade sense : 6
Initiative : -2
Defence : 2
Briskness : 5
Attack : 7
Power : 0
Luck : 0
Principle of Syntropy = 16
Principle of Light = 23
Principle of Imagination = 19
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Battle stats
Won: 20 | Lost: 24
Honor: 4998
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Some of my creatures

Page 585 - The Hunt for Red Presents
Aia, while initially surprised, welcomed the elf as befitting a Queen and offered them help with their predicament. The elf was upset and directly questioned whether Aia had come to further set his home alight.

After the initial grumpiness, Aia spent some time learning why the elf had not replied. The elf and their friends had went away to commiserate the loss of their friend Fyrd. This was why there was no replies, and someone with a tricky sense of humour decided to continue to pile the letters up in the office. They continued to discuss the letter situation and Aia admitted that on her request the letters were sent. While the elf refused to admit it, Aia got the distinct impression that the elf had not read them.

As the discussion continued, they migrated to the Defensive Tower Balcony where tea and biscuits were offered. Aia explained the concern about Confused Santa, his elf, and the presents and the archive elf mentioned that he would be able to help. However this was contingent on whether the problems with the archives could be solved since that was their first priority.

After the elf left, Aia realised that the elf did not realise she was the Queen, after them making several comments about the scary Queen. That shall be a surprise if the elf later realises! The elf has promised to send the Queen or Aia, whom is much less scary than the queen, a list of requests to help restore the archives. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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