Announcements - View ID 2610
Ann. 2610 Priority: 2 [2013-06-08 06:06:39 - Stage 12] Posted By Mur
Night mode ready to kick in
Night mode scene modifications finished. Night time is technically possible now, but how or better said WHEN it will happen/triggered, will be subject to a much larger and complex quest. Night mode can drastically affect certain characters or reveal places not normally accessible during the day. For historic purposes I need to remember you that there is normally no night in MD, its a constant, consuming, sun..however rumors of night existing in some places appear in story and folclore. Any character that had a _dedicated_ role that involved night, or players that contributed to the development of night mode or explaining how it could happen, should contact me. Places of total darkness have unexpected properties, where reality vanishes in front of the observer, anything can appear. However, night mode is not a total darkness might be in some places? Its up to you to discover when the time comes. Scene letters (those tiny secret letters present in each scene) should be used to determine when night will occur, however, this knowledge was lost, also to me. Find whoever was researching this and bring them back!..hard task..