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Eragon Bromsson




Player ID: 105668
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 107
Energetic immunity : 191
Trade sense : 80
Briskness : 93
Initiative : 49
Defence : 315
Attack : 380
Power : 34
Luck : 58
Finesse : 12
Volition : 71
Cartography : 10
Woodcutting : 26
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Balance = 139
Time Principle = 150
Principle of Light = 165
Principle of Imagination = 121
Element Principle = 1
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 309 | Lost: 488
Honor: 1668
MindPower: 5

Guardians of the Root
The oneness of your housing is at 2 %

Aranna Whisperwind
We are one, for one is all we have have ever been.

We are Aranna, both of us together.

Fraternal Twins, one never born, the other their keeper.

Who was the original owner of the body? We don't know, nor do we care.

Only one can control the body at a time so the other sleeps while the other explores the world.

We both answer to Aranna so even if the gender is different we will both answer.

Don't be shy, we don't bite, you know, unless you're into that sort of thing.

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Some of my creatures
Gabriel Elemental V Mei Hollow Warrior Day Dreamer Zinoviy Shade Old Man Treebeard Chaos Archer Grasan Huvourer Princess Lackluster Tatharanu

Page 559 - One Man, Many voices
As the circle started to glow the old man’s eyes pulsed with golden radiance. Lashtal sat watching the old man have a conversation with himself. Assuring himself that the plan was going as proceeding and these mortals would help them. Questioning how the old man had disappeared from their sight the day before. Once the circles brilliance had died out the old man looked more frail than before. Later Lashtal realised that this was how the shades were communicating with the old man. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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