I do my best to hate none, so instead, this will be a collection of other random things!
A use for my bottle of fire ( I can't decide on one!)
Unlimited flowers
A set of markers (rp item)
A worn old leatherbound book (rp item)
I've noticed many a thing while I've traveled the lands of MD, here are a few, and the questions that arose. If you have any input on any of them, or if any of them are spoilers, please PM me!
Giant books make up Lore Manor... did these belong to the same giant whose armor makes up the Aramory?
Why can I not train "swimming" as a skill? Are there monsters in all the waters of MD? It would be so much easier to swim across some parts of the realm instead of walking the long way around ;)
why is paper cabin not made of paper or mda makes of books but lore manor is?
Are there lands to the north of LoreRoot? If not, then what feeds the river under mistletoe bridge. Where does it go or start?
who or what is beneath the willow at willow's walk? A man? A shade? Something else?
Why are there paving stones on the path from weaponsmith to old man's road?
Why is there a reflection in the puddle at PoL and in the puddle at the alter in GG, but no reflections anywhere else?
Why is there an angien at necro gates, and is that the reason why only half of the gate works?
Why does well of fortune have no bottom (leads to the underground)?
what is the water fairy? and why doesn't it attack the boat?
Why is the aramory made of ginormous armor?
Was the Giant armor at the aramory made by the weaponsmith?
What walks this realm that could have worn such enormous armor?
What's in the field behind the house on Heresy Lane?
Why is there a hole in the wall around Necrovion near the house of dust? (visable on map)
What if the little men in the drach cave aren't really tiny... they're life size, and the drach is REALLY big? yikes.
Completed bezerkers, MP3,4, & 5
Defeated Willows guards, MP3, 4, & 5
Defeated Lore Guards, MP4 & 5
Found exit of Labyrinth within set time frame, MP5
Completed Spell Quests.. Logan Marquis, Zleiphneir, Lashtal
Has done work for the game in concern of keeping players in the game, player improvement suggestions, new feature suggestions, RPC and PWR nominations, organizing MD chats, moderating these chats, and bringing the community closer via yahoo and msn messenger.
::.Good players who have helped with the improvement suggestions and RPC/PWR nominations.::
(In no order)
Players(Including PWRs):
Logan Marquis, Amoran, Tarquinus, Cryxus, Ailith, Dark Priestess, Kalamanira Kol, Keith Moon, MRD, Innocence, Firsanthalas, Meru-chi, Pamplemousse, Silver Renard, Intrigue, Zleiphneir, Kragel, Kamate, Shady Jester, Awiiya, Phoenyckz, Jesuisoeufsfous, MRWander, Marvolo, Yami no Sakura, Sandra Kilen
Muratus del Mur, Akasha, Shoeps, Gargant, Glordamar, Jonn, Khalazdad, Raven, SmartAlekRj, Metal Bunny

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Awarded for Funniest Female Slave Spring Auction 2009
In my satchel, I carry a great many things, some of which I have brought with me into this place, as well as many others I have aquired during my travels here.
A small black box, containing a small black orb which reacts to my touch by lighting, and displaying within itself a rose with petals of gold.
The hilt of a dagger, its steel end broken, wrapped within a blood soaked cloth, a gift of reconsiliation and a symbol of peace from one who's inner turmoil seemingly equals my own.
Between the pages of an old and tattered book is a blossom from the Tree.
A note in big bold print: Learn to Play TOMATO!
Also a single red rose tied with a note via a small purple ribbon. The note reads:
"I wish I could help you see that I really am over Amoran...
But since I can't, I figured I would help you maybe see how I feel about you...
Here's a single rose. Whose beauty is only increased when I'm drunk on whiskey.,
A sketch by one of my adepts, it is of a humanoid figure and an angelic figure, the meaning of which is still undetermined.
A wooden ear, gifted by Cryxus whilest he was.. in need of a body
Upon one page is a poem given by one who will not be forgotten
A fire burns in my heart for you
Everyday it grows bigger and brighter
A fire glows in my heart
Its warmth heals my soul
its light clears the darkness that may fall upon me
My heart beats for you
Lastly, I also have aquired a bottle of fire.. liquid fire to be exact. Although the true strength of this "concoction" is still unknown to me, my fondness for my wooden friends prevents me from opening it.