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Pelle the unfaithful
Gold Feather
Lilith Faye
Lady Dusk




Player ID: 160779
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 4438
Energetic immunity : 4458
Trade sense : 3450
Briskness : 3610
Initiative : 3000
Defence : 183611
Attack : 271573
Luck : 735
Power : 16977
*excavation : 47
Volition : 750
Cartography : 45
Finesse : 24
Filtering : 22
*taming : 22
Mining : 22
Woodcutting : 18
Herbalism : 18
Sun God Armour
Enigma Set
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Darkness Principle = 4000
Time Principle = 4000
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Principle of Imagination = 4000
Rehabilitated criminal. Date of release 25/12/2023
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 5752 | Lost: 5752
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Some of my creatures
Madhorn Deathwing Northern Cardinal Water Daimon III Azrael Hephaestus Barachiel Samael Pope Urban VI Taurion

I am apathy


Page 294 - The Inner Sun - Pen. Bo.
"Penelope, good that you are here, i want to show you something i found in the archives" Bootes pulls out some old papers and spreads them on the table. "Oh, there are more?", "What do you mean there are more, you have more of these documents?" Pen pulls Bootes aside "We should not talk here, its not safe, lets go.." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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