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Player ID: 38628
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 449
Luck : 81
Energetic immunity : 625
Trade sense : 274
Briskness : 364
Initiative : 230
Defence : 794
Attack : 1305
Power : 153
Volition : 127
Cartography : 15
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Imagination = 973
Darkness Principle = 1424
Time Principle = 2646
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Element Principle = 3244
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 3702 | Lost: 3934
Honor: 4948
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Some of my creatures
Elemental V BloodPact Chaos Archer Imperial Aramor Assassin Chaos Archer Majestic Winderwild Walking Tree Animated Tree III Grasan Huvourer Unholy Pope Reanimated Roots

Page 481 - The Traveler
The white orb starts to move again as if a much needed energy burst sparked its ..life ..again. Unexplaind and not fully understood, the mysterious white orb responded to Peace sacrifice. All this time waiting there floating above the ground, sending its vibration, its message, seeking for the one to complete its process and free the sphere from its closed cycle ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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