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Player ID: 50336
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Regeneration : 14
Energetic immunity : 21
Trade sense : 17
Briskness : 17
Initiative : 6
Defence : 36
Attack : 54
Power : 15
Luck : 6
Volition : 1
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Enthropy = 51
Darkness Principle = 27
Principle of Imagination = 82
Element Principle = 42
Principle of Balance = 23
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Battle stats
Won: 200 | Lost: 200
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Sealar\'s life
Sealar\'s life started off as an abandoned baby in a dark ally. He survived his first few years thanks to the help of a stray that took care of him. Growing up without any real parents he learned how to survive in the harsh world by stealing and fighting for his food and territory. Now he takes in other like himself and teach them the necessary skills to live. So, if you are new and struggling . . . come to me and I will teach you the ropes
Some of my creatures
Elemental V Chaos Archer Grasan Huvourer Animated Tree III Master Lorerootian Archer Water Daimon I Full-grown Winderwild Elite Knator

I HATE people who pick on the weak, but I hate the weak who moan about it even more

Page 153 - The Shade Ballance - Wod
Tired by the torrid sun, Master Wodin decides to go on a vacation on Golemus beaches. Alliance members need to prepare their own plans considering the moves of the other alliances. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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