Regeneration : |
114 |
Energetic immunity : |
181 |
Trade sense : |
105 |
Briskness : |
117 |
Initiative : |
68 |
Defence : |
322 |
Attack : |
565 |
Power : |
119 |
Luck : |
65 |
Darkness Principle |
= 3213 |
Principle of Enthropy |
= 3181 |
Principle of Balance |
= 294 |
Time Principle |
= 3263 |
Principle of Imagination |
= 214 |
Crazy experiments and tests on drachorns is what i do. Crazy can\'t describe how the experiments turns out. Cruel to drachorns, i swore vengance to the golemus kind and seek to create new species of mutant drachorns. |
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Drachorn Experimentalist |
The Drachorn ExperimentalistCrazy experiments and tests on drachorns is what i do. Crazy can\'t describe how the experiments turns out. Cruel to drachorns, i swore vengance to the golemus kind and seek to create new species of mutant drachorns. I am the one of might and power. I am the Crazy one. Now you all seek to kill me, you just won\'t leave me be. A warrior of hatred and dark also i am, Times I\'d like to simply kill them, but then I think, no fun would it be. Somesay i cannot be killed, somesay i took the shape of a shade and cannot be killed, yet, how do you know im not foolin' with you? Someday when you are old, and you tired of me are, by me, because of ME, because of THEM, because of MY CREATURES, you shall die, and on the ground you will lie. I do not only experiment directly with drachorns to change their shape and powers but im also reasearching on building armor and weapons for drachorns to make them more helpful.The Truth about meAs i experiment and progress, things can go wrong, and my aspect and shape can brutally change. Right now i took the shape of a shade. Why i carry a guitar? I work hard and hard but i need a break from time to time. On that time i play for my drachorns to sleep well. They like the sound of distored guitars and heavy riffs, it makes them sleep well, and wake up with more strength than usual. I belong to Necrovion.
Sidenote: And for those who wonder how my drachorn is called, he is called Trogdor (Yes, thats him!)(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
The Experimentalist Quest |
I Love experimenting with Drachorns and doing all kinds of things to them. I love it so much i might do some for you. But not
everything is easy. You will have to do some things for me first. The quest consists of 6 phases. But beware, most people say
im crazy so you will have to think as i do. If your looking for other rewards (like wishpoint) go to my Hate List to go to the reward shop where you can spend your hard earned quest points. For more quests scroll down.
Depending on your screen resolution this page might be messed up, to fix it, please press F11 to go into fullscreen. Thank you. QP and rewards might change without previous notice.
Difficulty: AdvancedLength: Long
Requirements: Golemus Drachorn (Any Level) Note: If you already have one my dragons you cant get another one. Also, optional steps are marked with "Additional:"
What im about to create for you is one of the most monstrous and powerful creatures out there. Once the quest is done, you must understand \"the old must die so the new can be born\". In other words, you golemus drachorn, doesn\'t matter level, will disappear and a new mutant drachorn Lv 1 Will replace it.
Phase 1. Getting The Drachorn: *-*-*You must have a drachorn from the golemus lands. If you don\'t have one, find a quest that rewards one and come back*-*-*
Phase 2. Getting the materials: I need you to find some things for the test. PM the location of where each of this objetcs can be found and ill go pick them
up. Use common sense, there are many of this objects in many locations but i can\'t pick them up in all. For example: If you
find the location of the reeds but they are in the middle of a lake, i wont be able to pick it up. There are some things i
dont really need, but i dont care, get them for me. They are:
A Sword i lost long ago
Murky Water from a very small pond
2 books i left on a table
A square-shaped mirror
A Candle
A Flag
A Large Fragment from a broken door
Additional Question: Where can i find some big fire? (Not candle nor anything related) *-*PM the locations*-* *-*You have 3 guesses for Phase 2*-*
Phase 3. Finding the location: End this once and for all, -Thrashing Mad-,
Today will be the day,
End this for you,
Rest in peace, shall you?
confusing it is,
Now where were we?
And seek the location
Lost forever in time, -Some Might say-
Today you must find it
On a place of dark
In the depths of somewhere
there, not far away
Lost in the dark
Ending, -Because Revolution is my name!- their lives
Rusty, never used.
Not long ago i did this same quest and i found help. You should search the place where the steps have its own glory.
Of course that was long ago, so who even knows if its still there? I also dreamed i was in a quiet place. I saw a snail pass by me, and the grass was moving with the wind. What location was i on? (This is not needed for the preparations but im troubled with this i need your help)
Additional question: What references did i make?
*-*PM the location and how you found it*-* *-*You have 3 guesses for Phase 3*-*
Phase 4. Finding the Pentagram: To make the test, we need to find the sacrificing pentagram.
Now my words hear carefuly, to find the pentagram look for a circle with arcane symbols in it.
Take me seriously will ya? For this can be anywhere.
Additional Question: Find a circle with strange markings on it. *-*PM me where the pentagram is*-* *-*You have 4 guesses for Phase 4*-*
Phase 5. Knowledge: Now we are almost there but i can\'t proceed without knowing things and specifications about my experiment. You can ask
around, don\'t ask for direct anwsers, i hate that, you can only ask for help and orientaion in this phase.
Help me anwser this questions: 1-What\'s the ID of the creature im about to make? a)1 b)17 c)29
2-What other name can be given to the mutated version of the Drachorn? a)Drachorn of Darkness b)Wind Dragon c)Dragon of Darkness
3-What kind of spell should i use for the transformation? (NOTE: You will have to get the L2, L3 and L4 of this spell so make
sure you know the right anwser) a)Black Water b)Lightings c)Invisibilty
4-Name 3 principles you think i will use and explain why. 5-What kind of \"instrument\" should i use to make the test? a)Sword of Darkness b)Sacrifical Mace c)Holy Sacrifical Dagger
6-At what time did the first mutation happen? (Not AL pages, more like what special moment of MD was happening when the mutation took place)
Additional Question: 7- Who Helped me on my reasearchs? a)Wodin Ullr b)Khalazdad c)Jonn d)Renavoid e)Shoeps f)SmartAlekRJ
*-*PM the anwsers*-* *-*You have 3 guesses for Phase 5*-* NOTE: Guessing is not allowed so you have to give an explanaition.
Phase 6. Making the experiment: 5 people need to be present so gather 4 other people who are willing to come with you
and come to the location on phase 3. Among all 5 the certain points in the mentioned principles in phase 5 must be obtained. After that, wait for me. When realizing the expermient, none of the players MUST BE IDLE NOTE: If any of those provoke me, like attacking me while or before the ritual, i might get angry and leave. THIS has Happened.
Reward: Mutant Drachorn - 1 QP Additional Reward (Anwser all additional questions): 2 Quest Points to spend at shop (Look in Hate List)
Note: All those concerned and how the spell works: The spell wont pick rustgold drachorns, but it picks a drachorn you own at random, so you have a high chance of loosing your max drachorn if you have more than 1.
Anti-Cheat for this quest is being worked on
The Shade Ballance Summary
Difficulty: NoviceLength: Short
Requirements: None
The task is easy. Resume the Shade Ballance AL in 5 lines. It must be full with everything that happened, main events and some minor. If you resume the it perfectly in 4 lines youll get a quest point (to spend on reward shop (Look at hate list) of mine and my spell page. NOTE: You cant use abbreviations, nor use initials (B. for braiton for example) and you cant use "ultra" small fonts to resize the text.
Reward: 1 QP Alternative Reward: 1 Quest Point + Black Water Level 2 Inner Doc NOTE: Alternatively you can buy my spell page on my QP shop (see hate list)
A Request For Help
Difficulty: Novice
Length: Short-Normal
Requirements: None
Yesterday i got a message from a fellow expermientalist asking for help. Ive sent him my reply but he was suppoused to reply back. Looks like the message was not delivered in time and i need to read what it says. Would you mind helping me look for it? It could be anywhere. SEARCHING objects carefuly might help. I have a copy of the message i sent:
 (Dont worry about what it says. We experimentalists have a secret language and we learn it when we are kids.) Once you found it would you mind forwarding the message to me? Also lead me to the place where it is found so i can take a look at it carefuly. Thank you . Note: You only have 1 guess for this quest so dont give a random guess! This Quest is anti-cheat so dont try and cheat!
Reward: 1 Quest points
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.). |
Braiton's Shop of Crazyness |
Welcome to Braiton's Shop!
Hello There! My Name is Jerry. How does this shop operate? Heres word from the owner:
"Im setting a rpc-reward-like shop for rewards! Planning on making multiple quests and awarding a point for each and then can be exchanged on shop for rewards (like wishpoints)! Select one of the avilable categories and select any items you would like to buy. QP you spend get discounted from your total and ARE NOT refunded back, so spend wisely. Also, Jerry, here, is the shopkeeper. Ask anything you need to him. Oh, also, ill write down your current QP in your public log so you can check how many you have. Yours Truly, The Manager"
Talk With The Shopkeeper Hello There! My Name's Jerry. Feel Free to look around. You might want to check in daily to see if new stuff is added!
News: Did you know that Black Water Lv2 is now being sold on the shop instead of getting it via quests? Of course, if you do extremely good you can still obtain it via quest. Also theres a new memembership section where you can buy exclusive membership and get good deals!
Jerry's Fact Of the Week: New Creature Section. NOTE: Copyright Pending
General Stuff*Nothing on Stock
Quest & Spells*Black Water Level 2 Inner Spell Page - 3 QP
Braiton's Rewards*1 Wishpoint - 6 QP (Only one per person)
Creatures *Unholy Priest (0 Age) - 3 QP *Tormented Soul (Limited Stock + Age) - 6 QP ************Special Offer****************** *Drachorn (Limited Stock) - 10 QP *Request - X QP
Misc.*Open Necrovion Gates for you and your friends - 1 QP
Rares*1 MD Shop Coupon (Limited Quantity. Ask for availability) - 10 QP
Memberships*Hardcore Quester Package - 3 QP (This gives you the option to recieve exra questions and harder riddles to solve on certain quests. Only for the hardcore quester - also proof of an honest quester. Those who bought this package will have the Hardcore Quester symbol on their player logs. You also get 0.5 QP for the the extra riddles solved + the original quest QP reward)
Call For .Braiton.Unfortunately .Braiton. is not around, but if you want to buy anything send him a PM.
Page 164 - The Shade Ballance - Kn. Mur. |
"Soldiers!, this is our precious cargo this time, we need transport this back to Loreroot, watch out for enemies, but especialy for shades, I was ... Commander stops and looks at some dust cloud far away....What?!,
whats there??"
The .Knator Commander. prepares his weapon and so do the other soldiers. A funny silhouette approaches at high speed carrying a bunch of small and medium sized colored boxes.
"Oh, Sir Mur .. whats the hurry? if i may ask..". "Giiifffttss....wwmmmm..." The silhouette departs even faster than it came dropping some of the boxes on the way.
"Oh well, nevermind that , back to what i was saying ..". One of the soldiers picks a box from the ground. "Oh ..a candy, yummmm". ... |
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the could become part of it |
IMAGE COPYRIGHT NOTE: If you hold the exclusive rights to any of the images used above and do not wish for them to appear on our sites, please contact us with the information proving your ownership and they will be removed immediately. |
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