Open World - Multiplayer Sandbox Adventure

A huge open world to freely explore and discover. Build your own quests and extent the game world as you play with other adventurers and quest makers.


<< Back By Ouoar Oclx
I am still learning what I can. I am enchanted by all the buildings and structures I have seen. They are all so different!

These aramors seem a bit stupid, but these archers look quite competent. I hope that they can both serve a purpose in the future.

My legs get tired quite frequently. I wish they would get stronger. Oh well.

Today, I met a grasan for the second time, but this time he agreed to join me. He's very big. I am really a bit scared of him. Hopefully he remembers to attack the enemy and not his allies!

I recruited more grasans today, and I think they get along. Of course, I really don't know. Time will tell, I suppose.
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Our purpose is not to give you an alternate world to escape your real one, its not to give you a casual game to relax, but to educate your mind in a way that is not normally possible. This "game" is highly addictive and might change you forever. Do not just play it ... learn from it ... because "it" learned from you.