Open World - Multiplayer Sandbox Adventure

A huge open world to freely explore and discover. Build your own quests and extent the game world as you play with other adventurers and quest makers.

Papaver Somniferum

<< Back By apophys
WISH LIST (in order of importance):
- voice spell
- an item or spell to publicly autoplay an mp3 file, from the URL. (Code my music box? :p)
- tainting one of my angiens, or else a separate tainted angien

Other things I want:
- a darkling
- a GG drach  (to mutate it)
- an elucubration
- a morph (up to 3)

My spells: Guardian Army (8 casts), Mirror Ritual (8 casts), Give Vital (4 casts)
Guardian Army stone: 3 silver
Mirror Ritual stone: 4 silver
Ask for candy or healing and ye shall receive.

I am almost always found at the GoE, combo training or idling. Usually idling.
I'm always open to debate on any topic.

RP info:

    A generic human, bearing the name of an ancient god. His time in prison has hardened him. Date of release 04/08/2010.
      (for those who don't know, this is a satire; I was sentenced to prison for 3 days, subsequently lowered to 1 day, for picking up an ITC pasted in chat - the original box of rainbow candies.)
Experiments with regenerative and shielding magic.
Old friend of the MR's.
      (I was part of the original training grounds in the MDA cellar, before the GGG was set up)
Mp5 training dummy. Unresponsive often, usually unexpectedly, and sometimes for long periods.
      (recently I went idle & didn't come back for 2 years. Activity is currently 31%. xP)

Achievements (in approximate chronological order):
Underground access - mp3, mp4, mp5
permanent LR access - mp4, mp5
at mp4:
Won the moon trivia contest during the Lunar Festival. (1 WP rewarded)
reached top #8 for wishpoints. (3 WP)
editor of the Golden Globe Gazette
predicted the implementation of the Tribunal
acquired 3 spell docs, owed a 4th (from Je Suis Oeufs Fous)
acquired an item
passed through The Labyrinth when first opened (unrewarded) - permanent GG access
have set foot in every land, as well as the prison, the inside of Sage's Keep, and the balcony of Marind's room  authorship
recruited an Angien
finished LR, Sun God, and Royal armor sets
acquired first spell (late summer '09)
permanent Berserker's Charge access (has since broken, WP refunded)
un-allied at mp4, fought an un-allied mp5
combo fighter, burst burner, and above money achievements
won the heads contest in 1st place (mp4, March 2, 2010) - record score for mp4: 156k
fought myself, and won
fought myself, and lost (not the same occasion)
made a suggestion to improve MD that was eventually implemented by Mur (options page)
got avatars approved (7 so far)
ended mp4 with 3 pre-maxed angiens
at mp5:
bought a rusty
maxed 3 angiens
acquired a rare item from Mur - Mammon's Book
was possessed by Mur for a short while, conversed with "myself"
discovered the GoE codes to the Paper Cabin roof and the Archives Study Room
got a second rusty as a prize
achieved 0 total XP, multiple times
sacrificed 39k heat in 2 days
gone idle for a few hours at 0 heat, woke up to find that I got max heat
trader achievement
developed and popularized the 3 tree & >=1 pope @ 0% ritual
bought a rein
traded the rusty I bought, plus coins, for a GG
traded for the item that I had been banned for having (Box of rainbow candies)
ran first quest
Treasure Keeper
died, revived

Record damage in one strike: 370,321 (energy burn). No tokens.

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Our purpose is not to give you an alternate world to escape your real one, its not to give you a casual game to relax, but to educate your mind in a way that is not normally possible. This "game" is highly addictive and might change you forever. Do not just play it ... learn from it ... because "it" learned from you.