Announcements - View ID 1490
Ann. 1490 Priority: 2 [2010-05-21 02:13:19 - Stage 10]
Days of Tranquillity
From now on, on day 12 and 24 of each month, there will be no creature fighting. I don't say it is a peace day, you do whatever you want, but creature fights will be restricted by the interface. You can get bored, leave, or make a party and try other things other than fighting, or whatever other things you can think of. If heads contest or other competition will overlap with these days, there will still be no fighting so that will make them be on hold or even cause unexpected situations. Later when Night mode will be completed, these tranquillity days will happen always and only during night time. (Night happens also just a couple of days a month, not normal night/day cycle, but its not fully implemented yet)

New players
should still be able to attack guards, shades and other NPCs. To avoid confusion, players under 3 days will not be affected by this restriction and will be able to attack. If this will be a problem i might change it later.