Announcements - View ID 4595
Ann. 4595 Priority: 2 [2019-01-21 02:36:43 - Stage 14] Posted By Mur
Updates about the dead
Locations are checked for corpses every 22 minutes, however the corpse collector is partially blind and there is just a 50% chance that it will find a dead person in a regular location and just 25% chance to be found and taken from a sanctuary location. In a location without chat you will be found and burried all the time every interval. (graveyard location: 1_2x0_1)

A new type of location tag exists now, called "Death anchor" (thanks samon for that name suggestion). The dead staying in such locations will be invisible for the corpse collector and can remain there as long as they want. traveling between such locations is risky however, as they need to time their movements in such way that they are not caught by the sweep.