Announcements - View ID 5033
Ann. 5033 Priority: 2 [2020-06-20 01:15:17 - Stage 15] Posted By Chewett
Creating items via templates using the A25 clickaction giveitemfromtemplate
A new A25 command giveitemfromtemplate has been added to the collection of scripts documented [on the forum]. This allows A25 users to customize clickables to give any items with the item template system including resources with the most recent updates. This along with the flexible item templating that will continue to be worked in brings us much closer on being able to design anything with A25.

This click action is more fully featured than giveitem and will eventually replace it. However this will remain for legacy applications until all items are migrated to the new templates. The Iron bar resource combiner has been modified to use the new template. Please trial this and inform me if there are any issues with it.

This feature will be used for the new solo revival system currently being designed.