Announcements - View ID 5080
Ann. 5080 Priority: 2 [2020-08-29 20:01:06 - Stage 15] Posted By Chewett
Game Masters (GM's) - Chewett and Mur
The interface going forward might refer to GM's or Game Masters. This is easier than continually referring to Chewett and Mur.

Roughly a Game Master refers to someone who has the ability and right to change the game as they feel it needs to be changed. This might be changes from either their own decisions, or by members of the community requesting change which the GM agrees with. All GM's will be identified in chat by a icon and different playername colour.

This announcement changes nothing and the status quo is still as it has been for some time now. But it is merely clarifying the current situation.

Previously we have had other characters as GM's too, and if we gain/lose some it will be announced.