The Way of The Dojo
We ask that you honor the rules of the Dojo. Marble Dale Park, Road of Battles, and Defensive Quarters are safe zones for the study and practice of rituals. You may fight here, but only by mutual consent as in a real world dojo. During heads contest, players with seven (7) or more heads may be attacked without warning.
The dojo exists for the benefit of everyone in the game. We offer an opportunity for players to teach and learn from each other. Our purpose is to guide and teach those who are willing to learn through wisdom and cooperation, not through violence. If you choose to ignore the rules here it may reflect negatively upon your character and have potential consequences. Should you have any further questions or require assistance, please contact a member of the Dojo Staff.
Mur has openly supported the dojo and it's rules since restructuring the forums and creating a section for the dojo. Adventure Log pages 204 and 205 were posted by Mur. The dojo and it's rules are now part of the game.