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C V - Online Profile
This is a page where you can find a piece from the many things you'll find in this game. I certainly could not cover all the news that this game will give you, but here you will find what is most important for u to grow and become a good player.
I) Healing Ritual
you can heal your creatures after battles on creature page but you dont have unlimited life, and u will nead to wait untill the regeneration counter reaches to 00:00 a couple of times, and this involves a lot of work and a lot of time lost. the healing ritual is used by two players who want to heal their creatures and that involving their agree to attacking each other without damaging there creatures. how it works? is simple... u must find a player who agrees to do a healing ritual, most of the people are found in the dojo(Marind Dale Park). Then you make a Ritual with creatures who are hurt and can do weaken damage and heal. DO NOT EVER include any creatures which will do damage. After both of you have done this agree on who attacks who and then hit each other and see the result. You will definitely know it's much faster than healing on your own. When you are doing the Healing Ritual make sure u put the personal boost (slider) to ZERO or it is a total waste.
II) 301 Vitality Rule
This means that in any Ritual you make your creature should have at least minimum of 301 vitality, for example try using only one Barren soul in a Ritual and try to hit someone. It wouldn't work because its total health is only 200 and what will happen is the game will create its own random Ritual and this will usually be trouble some. That is why always make sure your Ritual has more than just 301 vitality.
III) Heat Orb
The Heat Orb it is desabled on MP3 but it is still available, you get heat, just u do not see it and u cant use it. How u get heat? if u buy or sac a creature, if u walk, if u buy armor, or if u win a battle where is involved alot of vitality from the part of the defender. For each creature u sac u get 1000 Pts of heat and u lose 1Pt of heat per second. Heat give u more stats when u win a fight, but in mp3 the value you get is so small it's not worth it at all. And what's worse is that you will get unwanted Personal Exp more than your creatures xp which will just push you over the Exp cap limit and you won't be able to train anymore your creatures.
All i will ask from you is PLEASE DO NOT USE HEAT in mp3...
IV) Wins Over Exp
It's always better getting wins for your creatures before exp... Why? Here u will find an exemple that will give u the reason why: If a creature need 100 wins and 40k exp to be at maximum level then lets say u get the 40k exp first and now looking for wins, now for each win you will be getting more exp for the creature and that means you are wasting your own exp as in mp3 the exp limit is a big problem(380k xp limit). But if you get the wins first then you can perfectly calculate how much exp is needed and after you get it you can leave the creature and train with another. U get wins without too much exp if u attack players with low personal vitality and low vitality on his creatures or if u use non-dmg rituals. The only creatures u can use in these rituals to get wins without exp are creatures that can do heal and weaken defence. For this you need to find a friend who is willing to help you out by setting a defence which doesn't do any damage, and you also make a ritual with the creatures you want and it also shouldn't do any damage. Then YOU SHOULD HIT HIM and both of you won't have hurt each other but you would have got a win and your friend would have got a loss.
We can use grassans or creatures that have as targets multiple creatures for this also, but to work u nead your friend should make sure his ritual has only 1 creature and in that way your creature doesn't have anything to hit and you get a win without Exp. U can use also creatures that have as target dying creatures but it is necesary that your friend to have all his creatures in his rit fully healed and u will have the same... your creatures will not have anithing to hit.
V) Free Voting
If you do the free voting every day, each month you can get up to a maximum of $6, which you can use to buy items in the MD shop. Another reason why people use free voting is because it gives u vitality and value points per each vote based on your permanent VP and Vit. Many people use this to get VP more than the total so they can buy armors that cost a lot more or creatures which are costly.
VI) Sacrificing Creatures
The reasons why people sacrifice creatures is because so they can buy new creatures or store the heat they get from sacrificing, or for the stats given when sacrificing a creature. The more the wins on the creature the more stats you get. But you need to be careful for if you sacrifice too many of your strongest creatures then you won't have any creature left to help train the newly recruited creatures.
And here are some insights concerning the fighting system that might greatly help you:
1) Barren souls are only good for the 2 power skill boost when you sac them. I cant say too much but when you wish to enter loreroot on mp3 or early mp4 you will have to be at a decent power skill. Barren souls only need 8000xp to max otherwise just wins which are easy to get on mp3. Aramors are the weakest fighting units there are. hey have only very little upgrading levels and are weaker then all the other creatures. Dont waste your precious xp on aramors if you are at mp3.
2) When I read the profile of the grasan the first time I thought he sucks as well. He does on level 1 but on level 2 you will see him gain something very useful. And at level 3 he will be your best creature on mp3.
3) You have a xp cap at 380.000 so you should get as many wins as possible on your creatures. When you plan to attack other mp3s look at their vitality and creature vitality. Attack those with low numbers there. Xp gain = total damage dealt to opponents creatures. So its wiser to figth 100 battles for only 1000xp and many wins than 50 battles for max xp and then ending up on mp4 with only level2 and level3 crits.
4) Heat multiplies your stats gain and personal xp gain but not your creature xp! It multiples your stat gain by 3 if you use max heat most of the time. So you should really think twice if it is worth using heat for a few more stats and a huge amount of personal xp. In my opinion its not worth using heat on mp4 expect when you are very close to your cap and want to go over it in one huge battle. Since it is very easy to lose personal xp on mp5 always use max heat when you are on mp5.
5) Beware of healing rituals. If you u help another player heal his creatures the creature you will use is going to lose xp! So if you do decide to do a healing ritual use a single heretic archer on weaken def for example. Just have that guy around and never use him in battle just for healing rituals. That way you wont lose xp because he always is at 0 xp.
6) And finally a trick for those who want to do everything right on mp3 on an alternative account for example. Only train the creature you need to get into loreroot and of course a few other useful ones to beat the Willow Shop guards. Then drop to over -500 negative honor then you wont gain any xp or anything for fighting them. It will tell you that you are at your xp cap! That way you can get entry into loreroot with very little personal xp and then buy and train all those beautiful lore crits. Just get positive honor again afterwards.
7) Read the balacing fights help as often as it takes you to understand it. Once you understand it it is very easy to get a sword balance without the oppoenent or training partner to get a loss counted to his profile. That way you can keep training with friends without any of you suffering losses on their profile.
8) If you dont want to play very risky and especially if you are in an alliance aim for perfect balance - Same amounts of wins and losses. You will get a higher stat and xp reward from each battle you win and you might also discover something even better eventually.
9) And now for a better understanding of lifesteal: It is very important that you take the vitality on your creatures into account. Lets take a single lifestealer ritual for example. You will want to pump 100% of your stats into the lifestealer so that it leeches a decent amount and has some defence. However what you dont want to do in most cases is having to much vitality on it. All battle outcomes are based on the percentage of vitality loss and gain from the amount of vitality you started the battle with. So if you have 10k vitalility on your single lifestealer when you enter the battle you will only gain a victorious/sword balance if it ends the fight with at least 11k vitality on it and of course the opponent loosing a big deal of their vitality. Since it gets 100% of your initiative and defence anyway you will want to enter the battle with as little vitality as possible to really gain a victorious.
Most people will be too lazy to read all this and since the last points would be the most usefull one for advanced players keep this information to you. You went through all the trouble reading this so its your knowledge now. If others didnt read it its their fault so dont share it. Keep it to you and progress faster than they do. You deserved it.