Sometimes dreams are never realised in the waking world. Life intervenes or efforts are twisted towards the impossible. And yet the passion can inspire tge heart of another, passed on like a torch until the dream is realised. Blossoming like a beautiful tapestry.


Perhaps once a simple fox became enthralled by a teahouse, the scents and the sights, spending each day resting by it, soon becoming a common sight for the locals. A favoured friend, an honoury member of the community. Yet the fox understood a core truth, without hands they simply could never truly join and do what they wished. Yet one day as they provided simple comfort to a lonely elderly woman realised that, just perhaps, kindness could fill their loss.


Perhaps that dream then passed to a certain young woman, one more apt to fill the role. Elyssia, the one whom seeks tranquility and to bless others with companionship and aid. Calmness at her heart and perhaps one day wisdom at her brow.. And her very own teashop to aid in that quest.


Yet as with any her heart wanders, inspired and encouraged by sights anew, finding herself lost in the labyrinth once, cartography soon became her hobby. And with quill and paper she began to map out this realm, ink stains blotching finger and blouse, adding a bite to an otherwise floral perfume of her own design.




- An Inlaid Tea Set

- A Tea House in Loreroot

- A Tea Dragon (Look them up!)

- More Tea Based Consumables

...Honestly, I'm not really sure what else you expected of me.



I've added this just as a place to display achievements I'm personally proud of and is, therefore, subjective.

- Earned a WP and Spelldoc from Aia's Logic Puzzle

- Mapped out 7 territories of the realm so far (Missing some secret areas)

- Successfully traversed the Labyrinth