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Page 571 - One Man, Many voices
With Aia dead, the power she unknowingly channelled from the alters was disrupted and their power returned. Anger consuming the old man, with the final remnants of their power destroyed in the killing blow, they turned towards inner Necrovion to begin the next plan. With this new form and new feelings they begun their plans. Radical changes within this land are afoot and nothing is safe within its borders. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

Regeneration : 357
Energetic immunity : 557
Trade sense : 210
Briskness : 315
Initiative : 180
Defence : 2925
Attack : 4337
Power : 581
Luck : 111
Waterhandling : 23
Experimentalism : 25
Filtering : 17
Finesse : 12
Herbalism : 13
*excavation : 7
Volition : 100
Gardening : 2
Mining : 0
Cartography : 7
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Element Principle = 4000
Transposition Principle = 4000
Principle of Balance = 4000
Darkness Principle = 4000
Principle of Enthropy = 4000

I'd rather everyone in the realm to have an extra coin or two and a teleport to 
anywhere spell....in case of emergency :D 

Okay, here goes my personal wish list. Short one, none the less......For my first
wish: Hmmm, a Darkling would be wicked! My second would be for all in MD to prosper, laugh and enjoy the "most excellent" people, places and yup things :D
That's it......




Hmmm, Personal hate list. For me, hate is something that can build and fester or just come on like a furious beast. I would and could only hate those that harm my family and loved ones. That hatred would turn into something far greater......not even the gnarliest things fathomable would be close to what I would do if anyone or anything dare try to hurt them. I say justice not mercy.



I believe in honor and truth. Having served my time in the service, you must be able to follow and lead by example and without hesitation. Follow your last order, be patient and never quit. I will fight for what's right, die for those that cannot and smile the entire time. I may lose and get beaten close to death........However, nothing can tarnish my spirit nor keep me from getting back up each time I fall. Military is needed for your freedom and rights......Respect is earned and never given. 
