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Natrak Pikak
William Thatcher



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Some of my creatures
Igor Ghost in the Machine Kali Falcon Revolutionary Archer Jonathon Revolted Skill Vampire Grindlewald Lucient Avenger Gawaine Angien
Page 199 - The Shade Ballance - yrt., Wod.
After the recent dispute finally comes to an end, Yrthilian receives the detailed documents concerning Wodin's summoning and immediately begins preparations to have him summoned back to our realm once again. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it
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Battle stats
Won: 1643 | Lost: 2191
Honor: 2488
Regeneration : 133
Energetic immunity : 194
Trade sense : 88
Briskness : 152
Initiative : 130
Defence : 650
Attack : 1074
Power : 172
Luck : 77
Herbalism : 0
Woodcutting : 12
Volition : 23
Cartography : 7
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Moon Relic Hunter
Citizenship: Loreroot
Quest: Moon Chalice Quest - Gathering the worthy.
Refer to Military Pages for details
Personal Achievments:
  • Berserkers puzzle at MP3, 4 and 5
  • Loreroot entry at MP4 and 5
  • Placed 3rd in Heads as MP5 - Feb/Mar 09
  • Solved Archives Maze - Festival March 09
  • Founding member of Children of the Eclipse.
  • Solved 2 of Bootes' quests
  • Met the requirements of Khalazdad's story quest and gained entry to Necrovion on merit.
  • Enjoyed RP at all times, seldom breaking character, memorably with Bootes, Jonn, Logan Marquis, Tarquinus, Meru Chi, Khalazdad, SageWoman, Zleiphneir, Cryxus and many others.
  • Student of Khalazdad
  • Received favourable review from Mur on Player Information Page
  • Contributed ideas to expansion of Loreroot
  • Participated in the Illusions testing as MP7
  • Selected to try out to become a quest creator
  • Helped Renavoid out with a ideas for the extension of the MD Archives
  • Shared well received ideas about the planetary array in which MD resides with Bootes and Tarquinus
  • Presented a well received piece on battle at the Lunar Festival, that has been published in the MD Archives.
  • Sought out and involved others in the machinations of the game.
  • Assisted young players with the learning puzzles with rhyme and riddles, and teaching battle skills.
  • Developed the CoE Alliance page and arranged for it to be distributed to alliance members.
  • Co-authored with Meru Chi the initiation cermony for new priestesses/priests for the CoE.
  • Authored prayers in benificence of the Goddess of the Moon for use in Services held by CoE Clergy.

 Roland-Chris Kuhlmann

As a knight errand, Karak wandered the lands he awoke in, confused, aimless. He worked on his skills, all the while seeking purpose. A chance encounter with Lucius Tarquinus Superbus brought a dawning of realisation to him. As if a blindfold were lifted from his eyes, his path was laid before him.  From that day forward Lucius and Karak became fast friends and uncovered a bond that stretched through time and space; one dark to the other's light.

Over time they came to understand each other's passion for the restoration of the cycle of day and night. Together they realised that the secret lay in the return of the moon to the heavens, a moon others did not even believe could exist. Their fervour led them to seek out others who shared their faith and so the foundations of the Children of the Eclipse were laid.

As his faith strengthened, Karak came to know his purpose: uncover the secrets of the moon held in lost relics and places of worship. He searched the lands, speaking with Bootes and others of his quest, trying to decipher the land and its past. In his wandering, he fulfilled the Rajj's desire for a story and entered Necrovion to look for signs of the moon's worship. An opportunity to enter the lands of Golemus presented itself and he embraced it, at peril of his sanity, such were the unnatural things seen there.

Strong Willed Legna March 2009Now another path has been laid alongside his, a greater purpose. He now treads the pathway of the warrior monk, having taken up the robes of priesthood, he has come closer to the goddess and serves faithfully the order he holds dear.  A pendant hangs at his neck symbolising the moon in her passage across the heavens. 

For a time Meru Chi brought light to his life and heart. Together they served the goddess, taking word of her and her teachings to the lands, that all might profit from the Moon's wisdom.  Yet the Goddess saw fit to release Meru from the realm and once more Karak walks the plains alone, a beacon for the Goddess.

A ring made of the moon's metal adorns the third finger on his left hand, a gift from Meru.  It sparkles silver with moonstones embedded in the band, between each stone a phase of the moon is displayed, on the inside is an inscription, "Darling I love you forever, always, eternally"

On day 13 of Year 6, Karak and Meru wed under the protection of the Oak Fort, amongst a small group of friends, with Peace presiding. They exchanged armbands to symbolise there union. Meru wears a platinum spiral armband with a moonstone set as a comet and the spiral of the band forming the comet's tail. The spiral being multifaceted to reflect the different colours in the metal. Karak's is a copper and gold spiral armband with a firestone set as a comet and the spiral of the band forming the comet's tail. The copper and gold intertwined to give life to the flames. The comets symbolise a long journey of the forces of nature both dark and light and when brought together are united as one in perfect harmony. At last the Gods can no longer interfere in the power of their love.


A Gift 
.Calyx of Isis. hands Karak a staff she has carved for him of stout oak, with carved hand grips, and a replica of the moon at the top. It glows faintly with the moon's silvery glow and gives strength to the user

 Rose of Luck - a gift from Lady Dawn for service

A luxury we can ill Afford

In this land of turmoil and loneliness, hate is a luxury we can ill afford but, is easily found.

We of the Children teach unity and community through our open hearts and services to the greater community.  By these teachings we hope to close the schisms that divide our lands and peoples.

A parable of unity found in the roots of hatred:

Amy Sands-LumsdaineA young man stood atop a hill with his flock of goats grazing idly.  On a hill not too far distant he saw another tending their goats.  The other hill looked more lush and the man imagined himself to see the other goats fattening over the season they grazed, but he dared not make the journey to see for himself as he feared loosing his flock amongst the strangers.  As the season progressed the man came to believe that he hated the other for their good fortune and his hate consumed him, and his flock declined, but he did not notice so consumed of his hatred was he.

On the other hill a young woman tended her flock with love and kindness.  One fine day she chanced to look out across the land and saw the other who nurtured a flock on a near distant hill.  Her heart went out to him as his hill did not appear so lush as her own, but her father had warned her to distrust strangers, so she did nothing.  As the season passed she noticed his flock dwindling and her heart was torn with compassion for his plight until she could stand it no longer.  She called her sister to watch the flock while she went an invited the other to join her on the fine pastures.

The young man saw the distant herder begin their journey toward him and he hardened his heart with hatred toward them.  With each step closer his heart grew more black and cruel.  The journey took many days and still his flock dwindled without his care.  But he was consumed in the approach of the other herder.

As the young woman journeyed with her trusted hound, her heart swelled with compassion as she watched the flock dwindle before her eyes and she quickened her pace.

During the others journey the young man neither ate or slept, such was his all consuming hate for the other and his body began to waste.  His flock was now half its number, but he cared not.

The woman took the most direct route to the other herder, but the final approach hid her from his view.

The young man scanned the horizon for sign of the other that he might assault them unawares, but his body betrayed him because of his lack of care.  Then, it was as if the full moon on a soft summer evening shone upon him, and hatred was washed from him as the young woman approached, such was her compassion for him when she saw his emaciated state.

The young woman tended him and her hound gathered what was left of his flock.  When he was restored enough, she invited him to share her pastures, and that he might know his from hers she tied a ribbon made from her skirts to each goat's horns.  Such was her true feeling that he accepted and visited with her in her pastures and his herd prospered.

The history of Karak and Meru

The Goddess whispers to me in dreams.

Keep an ear out and you may hear of a new beginning, or is that and ending?