Creator of  the GAME:

.:Principles of Magic:.

Principle of Light(A)5x

Darkness Principle(B)5x

Principle of Enthropy(C)5x

Principle of Syntropy(D)5x

Time Principle(E)3x

Transposition Principle(F)3x

Principle of Imagination(G)3x

Principle of Cyclicity(H)3x

Principle of Balance(I)3x

Element Principle(J)4x


40 cards.



A:Reveal (1) concealed card.

B: Conceal (1) card on the table.

C: Someone loses 1 Ep for (3) turns.

D: Someone get 1 Ep for (3) turns.

E: Draw (1) card.

F: Put (1) card on the table.

G: Power (+1).

H: Copy (1) last combo.

I:  Copy the oponent atk/def until the end of the turn.

J: Copy one card you have on the table.

S: Copy every card in the game.

