Chapter I: Darkness of the beginning

His head ached and his eyes flew open, staring into nameless thick darkness. This was unusual and gave him an uneasy feeling. His sight was keen enough to pentrate darkness, he did it many times so why it did not work now? He slowly raised to his feet and staggered. Raincard felt blood trickling down his neck and suddenly remembered.

They were two, just two. Or so he thought. He would manage them he was sure, even though he has never been trained properly. He made a thrust, dagger in his hand - and collapsed under a blow from behind. But why did not they kill him? Him, a monster, when it was why they were hired, no doubt? Raincard sneered  as he tried to find his way through the darkness and shook his head. He was too different from a human he was supposed to be. Too tall and too dark-skinned, and his silver hair did not help much either. They said his agility was too great and his senses too keen. They said he was suspisious and odd and when he morphed for the first time, his fate was decided. Big silver wolf was too much for them and nothing else mattered.

The pain in his head started to grow and he had to close his eyes.  ...After that first morphing he tried to master this new power, this curse as it seemed to be, but without success and whenever he went the story repeated itself. Eventually he came into a vast forest. And behold! The animals were not afraid of him and and the birds did not stop singing in fear when he morphed. Here in the green shade he found his relief - till they came...The pain almost overhelmed him now, pulsing and echoing his head. -Why couldn't they let him be?-

It took some time before the pain subdued enough for him to open his eyes. -But what happened?- There was no darkness around him anymore. His confused gaze fell on a slightly opened elaborate golden gate. Raincard took a step closer and read  the sign next to the gate. Marind Bell. Hesitated for a while and then cautiously entered.