Dear Diary,

As you know, I have found a new mate. I call him Spookums but he is called Phantasm. Oh Diary! Phantasm is tall, dark, and witty! And articulate! And and...he has a poets gift. Any man has his stash of lines to turn a womans head, Diary. Phantasm...his are *sigh*. I am no young woman in the bloom of her youth. When Spookums speaks to me...I am putty in his arms. Our private times are those you read in books (yeah those kinds) and I treasure them because they are so rare.

A Button Pusher! I thought I was the best all around. Phantasm not only takes my pushing, Diary, but he pushes back! And comes back with more! Our fights? Oh good Goddess! Even when I am in Sage Rage, I am so turned on by his power and strength! And those scars he sports upon that ghastly white corpse of his. Badges of Honor!

I sound like a teenager on her first crush. Disgusting. Hmmm. I think it's time I prank him but good.

Dear Diary,

What is it about this Dark Heart? Its like a Sheep wearing a Wolfs Hide! A hard crust protecting a soft center. And that mouth of his! Sweet words that spill out are ones that make my knees go weak. I think I'll kill him and save myself....NOT.

Day 49 Year 6

Dear Diary,

Has it been so long since I wrote you last? I apologize Old Tome. What to tell you? Remember me speaking of a Dark Heart in wearing Wolves Hide? I married him by blood and bore him a child. The girl child is named Dariea.

I have decided to release him from the blood bond and no longer consider him husband. Phantasm isn't having any of it and refuses to release me. I just may have to kill him. The question is how to do it. These things must be done delicately. I'll get back to you on this.