Um o.o''...yes hello, Seeker white is my name and it's a pleasure to meet you.... I should probably warn you of my randomness and that I over use "o.o"...... aha so now that you have been warned I shall try to make this short but sweet. 

10 things about me and then I'll leave you to your own thoughts.

1) I am inquisitive by nature, loving to know both how things work and why
2) I almost always have a notebook and pen on me to scribble down ideas
3) Although petite in size my bubbly personality more than makes up for it ( heels help to )
4) Tea is my addiction and weakness <3 
5) Traveling has always been a dream of mine and one day i hope to see all the different cultures  
6) A pet hate is arrogance that doesn't have the skill to back it up....
7) Fire poi is something I use regularly and it is so fun :D
8) Roses: Beautiful but not without  thorns another love of mine
9) If I annoy you or you wish me to be silent then all you need say is "Shhh seeker" And I shall shhh o.o 
10) One day I shall be an amazing animator, and transport people into my imagination.... >.>''....  

Aha, I made the image to large so I shall put it here.....