What follows is who I was at one time... am I still that person?
I cannot draw good enough to make a representation of myself and I haven't found one that perfectly suits me yet either, but this is the closest I have seen: Draw by Arvalis Summary of deeds and status within the realm:
Physical Appearance and Description Magical Abilities (Things I have learned since coming to this land):
Current Possessions: -A green hardcover notebook and an ordinary looking pen. -An ancient wood pipe and a bag of pipe tobacco from phantasm. The pipe looks as old as phantasm. -Unremarkable armour and weapons, though they are well kept and clean. Clearly intended more for freedom of movement and comfort than for heavy protection. Recently, has acquired a number of heavy armour sets and keeps them in his room at the Pub in case they are needed. -A bracelet with dark, shadowy beads, received from Mcvities Shadow. Used to focus energy during the use of Elemental magic. -A flourite crystal, received from Mainnalle. Stores massive amounts of magical energy. Drained and destroyed to help Cryxus. -#1 room key for the Wind and Rain Pub -A small bottle of very special scotch. Given by Cremated Credence on March 21st. Half empty now. -Two scimitars made from the fangs of the hell dog Cerberus given by HolyPaladin Deba |