Open World - Multiplayer Sandbox Adventure

A huge open world to freely explore and discover. Build your own quests and extent the game world as you play with other adventurers and quest makers.

Medusa\'s Amulet Quest

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Greetings at all! My master Savelfuser asked me if i can help him to find some place for one research! To be honest i don\'t know what he is searching but he told me to do one list with: 1.Name of Place 2.Territory 3.Coord of these places!....Can you help me? THE PLACES ARE: \"A beautiful sanctuary Shining light You can still feel the power\" \"Ready to play a odd game? Only here you will find it Be careful, u can become crazy\" \"In middle of nowhere A man is standing here Watching all person who cross the path\" \"Like in a cube Nothing to hear The perfect place to rest\" \"A trench coming from outside Guarded by one who have no face A great danger can come from here\" \"A wooden passage Wind is blowing Seems to be something secret\" \"Near from the death Near from the balance You seem so quiet\" \"A hole with no exit Only dark is escaping Enter only if you dare !\" \"Lots of soul rest in peace Sun is shining on steel All is over now\" \"Brave champion Prove your worth Climb to the summit\" You have to do a list of these places and give it to Savelfuser! Savelfuser want two shoots so be carefull!
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Our purpose is not to give you an alternate world to escape your real one, its not to give you a casual game to relax, but to educate your mind in a way that is not normally possible. This "game" is highly addictive and might change you forever. Do not just play it ... learn from it ... because "it" learned from you.