Open World - Multiplayer Sandbox Adventure

A huge open world to freely explore and discover. Build your own quests and extent the game world as you play with other adventurers and quest makers.

A dance of light and shadow

<< Back By Obsidian Sirocco
It is only when one attains true harmony within oneself that they may achieve true power. All things come at a cost, and the greater the scales of this world are tipped, the greater the cost to one\'s soul and environment. It is my path to seek the source where creation stems from, to revel in the majesty of that which will ever be, and to be a vessel carrying the lifeblood of this land through this age of turmoil.
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Our purpose is not to give you an alternate world to escape your real one, its not to give you a casual game to relax, but to educate your mind in a way that is not normally possible. This "game" is highly addictive and might change you forever. Do not just play it ... learn from it ... because "it" learned from you.