Open World - Multiplayer Sandbox Adventure

A huge open world to freely explore and discover. Build your own quests and extent the game world as you play with other adventurers and quest makers.

Look inside but don't touch

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         The way we strive forward is our path to knowing our outcome



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 She's a slim build of a woman but don't let this mislead into thinking she hasn't much brawn. She walks round taking note and weighing up situations. Some may say she's too much of a thinker and less of a doer....

that is of course a matter of opinion.

She cares not for idle chit chat nor tarnishing peoples names.....

You will often see her staring into peoples eyes.....not sure if this is her way of looking into their soul or just plain curiosity.

The tattered parchment that she so lovingly carried around with her is like no other parchment. It absorbs all her jottings, sketches, maps, anything that has caught her interest not just for the present, but of things to come.

Each entry has a meaning, a reason for being there and when time is right the layers of the transcript will unfold for her......

the other is pample..her teacher and her trusted sister.



This tattered piece of parchm


The following are not to be taken seriously.  We are not an alliance nor do we seek to become one...unless asked by HIM.

1. Ye must be able to wear a dress without tripping.

 2. Thy hair must touch thy waist or lower. (Does that make sense, Lucius?)

 3. Ye must be able to sword fight with one hand and hold your dress up with the other.

4. Ye must be able to tell when a man is lying.

5. Ye must be able to smell a bargain a mile away.

6. Ye must conduct yourself in a courtly manner...when needed.

7. Ye must be able to fight 10 times in a row...and still smell like a rose.

8. Ye must be able to fight and not smudge thy lipstick.

 9. Ye must be a hellion behind closed doors and a conduct thyself as a Lady in public.

 10. Must be able to drink thy tea...without slurping. (Whenever we are together, someone slurp (loudly) so the others can follow suit. XD)


1. Sister Calyx of Isis

2. Sister Lady Isolda

3. Sister Ailith

4. Sister LunarGoddess

5. Sister Amoran

6. Sister SageWoman

7. Sister Peace

8. Sister Nelya Setesh

9. Sister Kittiness

10. Sister Kalaminira Kol

11. Sister Siala Lone Wolf

12. Sister Dark Mystic

13. Sister Falen Angel

14. Sister Aia, Priestess of Mana

15. Sister Keida

16. Sister StrongWilled Legna

17. Sister Lunar Priestess

18. Sister Mainnelle D Ashke

19. Sister Arianna de Montreve

20. Sister Esmerelda

21. Sister SunPriestess

22. Sister Lady Renata

23. Sister Merewen

24. Sister LilMsPiggy

25. Sister Rubyribeena

26. Sister Lady Amethyst 

27. Sister Jazira

28. Sister Dark Trial

29. Sister Kriskah Arcanu

30. Sister Mya Celestia

31. Sister Adiallinda

32. Sister XinHun

33. Sister Dream Elf

34. Sister Keida

35. Sister Black Rose

36. Sister Makichama

37. Sister Phantom Orchid

38. Sister Grid Althea

39. Sister Lady Tygara

40. Sister Handy Pockets

41. Sister sasha lilias

42. Sister Sharazhad

43. Sister Lady Esmeralda

44. Sister Icedragon


ent and it's all its wondrous and mysterious conten

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Our purpose is not to give you an alternate world to escape your real one, its not to give you a casual game to relax, but to educate your mind in a way that is not normally possible. This "game" is highly addictive and might change you forever. Do not just play it ... learn from it ... because "it" learned from you.