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Maximilian Sanders
Player ID: 201805
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Page 523 - A Debt Repaid
Syrian and Nimrodel enter Necrovion and approach the Accursed Growth. Azull's spirit appears before them as the two women approach. "I have come to ask you to revive a subject of mine. Will you do this?" Nimrodel nods. "I will help." The three figures enter the Accursed Growth,Azull leading the way. Within, JadenDew tends to the body of FireStarter, which lies on the packed, dry dirt of the ground. Nimrodel steps forth and, without saying a word, places her flute to her lips and begins playing. Though no sound can be heard coming from the instrument, the effects of its song are apparent within moments. Nimrodel stops playing,nodding to the King of Necrovion. "There. It's done." JadenDew stands and nods. "He breathes once more, my king." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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