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Player ID: 92586
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Regeneration : 5
Luck : 2
Energetic immunity : 18
Trade sense : 9
Briskness : 33
Initiative : 9
Defence : 19
Attack : 48
Power : 7
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Imagination = 50
Principle of Light = 59
Transposition Principle = 53
Principle of Cyclicity = 49
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Battle stats
Won: 185 | Lost: 184
Honor: 1095
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Marble Dale Park
Looking through the crowd gathered at the Marble Dale Park you spot on the far end the figure of Aarcon, seated – as always – against a tree with his nose in a book. He seems hardly aware of the throng around him, and nothing but an occasional chuckle and a thin wisp of pipe smoke rising from behind the cover seems to punctuate his reading. You smile inwardly at the thought of your last encounter. Collector of bawdy songs, avid consumer of saucy stories, leading authority on the bodice-ripping genre – Aarcon is well-known for his suggestive sense of humor and the petulant glee he takes in nicknaming those around him. If memory serves, your first encounter consisted largely in listening to his stories of one-legged barmaids and wood nymphs with a penchant for strong liquor. But despite the jokes and antics, it was clear that Aarcon had a thorough understanding of both the Land and the Principles. He had claimed to hardly ever leave Loreroot, but his words left you unconvinced – there was too much detail, too much richness in his stories for them to have not been experienced first-hand. “And odd fellow to be sure” you muse as you walk across the Park. And then the world stops. The crowd is still and deathly silent. You look up and see his slender, gnarly hands lower the book, and those eyes, those bottomless eyes bore deep into your skull, bearing with them the weight of ages past. A feeling washes over you – this man is old, very old – older than Marind Bell, older than the tree he leans on… And then it’s gone – gone like it had never happened – and your thoughts are drowned once again by the hum and bustle of the market sounds. You catch a last glimpse of Aarcon as he is eclipsed by the closing crowd – a large, jovial smirk as he buries his face in his book again. \"Yes, an odd fellow to be sure” you think to yourself. \"druid3\"
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Some of my creatures
Chaos Archer Grasan Huvourer Dark Archer III Elemental IV Animated Tree III Hollow Warrior Elite Lorerootian Archer Water Daimon I

I dare say there\'s no one on this gentle earth that I actually hate. Law-abidders and law-breakers each provide their share of humor, and I\'m certainly not one to judge the transgressions of others. Still, I believe my life would be made significantly more entertaining with the inclusion of a nemesis. I\'m still looking for one - someone to endlessly taunt and harrow, and who would of course lovingly taunt and harrow me back (there\'s nothing sadder than a one-sided feud). Nemesis triangles are also a definite possibility, but for the time being I think I will stick to the solo villain. Those interested in the position are invited to message me in game. You will of course be expected to demonstrate an appropriately maniacal laugh - once in swimwear, and once in evening dress. Please prepare accordingly.

Page 428 - Tales of The Cube
"Good boy, tell me more about the book of principles. What do you know?" An evil smile escapes on the old man's face. "I heard a lot of people lost their lives or minds trying to find that book, but I never heard about another cube." Suddenly, a voice shouts from the crowd, "You are lying!!" Everybody looks in that direction, but nobody is there; just a big pile of dust blown slowly by the wind. "Ah, don't let those kids disturb us with their jokes. Please go on young man; tell us your story." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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