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Player ID: 197966
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Regeneration : 28
Energetic immunity : 39
Trade sense : 24
Briskness : 43
Initiative : 12
Defence : 75
Attack : 117
Power : 30
Luck : 12
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Cyclicity = 72
Principle of Enthropy = 159
Principle of Balance = 887
Transposition Principle = 877
Principle of Imagination = 697
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Battle stats
Won: 283 | Lost: 992
Honor: 2024
MindPower: 5
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Who is The Accurser?

   The Accurser Devils are the lawyers, messengers, spies, and ambassadors of Hell. They travel constantly from place to place, not only in Hell but across the surface of the Earth. Of all the Devils they have the freest rein to roam among mortals. They gather information for Hell, as well as directly spread gossip, slander, resentment, and envy. Their chief joy comes in ruining lives though lies and insinuations. The dissatisfaction they breed can spread like an infection, until the bonds of society fall before a wave of petty jealousy and covetousness.

   An Accurser Devil in its true form presents a striking and unsettling image. The most noticeable aspects of the Devil’s appearance are the multiple faces all over its body. In addition to the grotesque face on the front of its head, it possesses another on the back of its head, a face on each shoulder, faces on it’s chest and belly, a face on its groin where the attributes of gender might otherwise be, and a face on each thigh. The sexless body is scaly, wiry, and a sickly green in overall color. The arms and legs seem to proceed from the mouths of the faces on the shoulders and thighs. The hands and feet are slender and clawed. The Devil’s ears are long and pointed, and top of it’s head similarly comes to a point. There are six spike-like horns surrounding the head, creating the effect of a grotesque crown. The Devil sometimes wear a kind of cap on it’s head, through which the horns will project. The natural voices of these creature are whiny and sniveling. Accurser Devils possess the ability to assume human forms, and they will almost always do so when dealing with non-Infernals. They also particularly enjoy assuming the forms of snakes.

   In Hell, the Accurser Devils try cases and mediate disputes among other Devils. They are completely corrupt, of course, so Hell’s justice is usually a matter of who can afford a better bribe. Since Accurser Devils seldom collect souls directly from the mortal plane, they rely upon the legal fees and bribes they demand for their wealth (the coinage of Hell being mortal souls). It is even said that for enough of a bribe in souls, a mortal can convince an Accurser Devil to bring a legal case in Hell to release someone from an otherwise unbreakable Infernal contract. Accurser Devils also travel to other planes (including Heaven itself) in order to claim souls that Hell believes to be its rightful property. Their direct dealings with the Angels contribute to Infernal rumors that the Accurser Devils have arranged side deals with Heaven, to save themselves in the event that any eventual war for Paradise goes against the Devils.

Some of my creatures
Grasu Chaos Archer Birdie

Why hate?

Make love, now war !

And suppress the weaklings if they are stubborn

Page 325 - The Inner Sun - Noo.
Looking behind him as he runs away from the shadows, No one misses the tree root jutting up from the ground and goes down in a heap. Looking at the root, he begins to scream in wide-eyed terror. The root isn't a root at all! Trembling and shaken, he tries to slide away from it as something rushes past him on the other side. Overcome, he faints in the darkness. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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