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Player ID: 44510
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Regeneration : 121
Energetic immunity : 158
Trade sense : 55
Briskness : 115
Initiative : 93
Defence : 459
Attack : 463
Power : 85
Luck : 75
Volition : 12
Cartography : 7
Mining : 0
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Cyclicity = 441
Principle of Balance = 150
Principle of Imagination = 147
Principle of Enthropy = 539
Time Principle = 315
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Battle stats
Won: 668 | Lost: 1349
Honor: 3026
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
First Mate - Crimson Blade

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Title: First Mate - Crimson Blade

Description: First Mate and part-time topsail rigger on the Crimson Blade.  An alluring maiden of the seas, partial to swashing a buckle or two.

I'm a girl of Golemus Golemicarum.

A wisp of a girl, her small stature conseals a vibrant spirit. Her world is full of wonder. Her slight frame lies revealled beneath a deep maroon bustier and livid blue satin pants, her hips sway in a sensual sway as she walks or skips along. Long auburn tresses tumble past her shoulders to fall about the small of her back. Large green eyes look back at you, twinkling with mischief and mirth. A small straight nose perches above her lucious kissable lips. Delicate unadorned fingers dance about the air as she speaks and laughs.

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A ring of silver with a single small, but absolutely perfect pink pearl from Calyx of Isis (Let a single drop of your blood fall on it, and thank Isis out loud, you will have a Gust-of-Wind for half a day. It can only be used once, but what more could a sailor ask for!?;)
Framed, pressed Orchid, very beautiful, from Phantom Orchid
A feather from Gremlins wing - very beautiful and fluffy.

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More about me

Some of my creatures
Rhuarc Sonorous Jester Robin Hood Maddy Evil Cupid Albatross Kitty Punch Luke

To many beautiful people to hate anyone.  But I would like to know who left me the scars on my back.  Its been a long time since anyone loved those scars, and I can't remember where they came from.

Nice Boys I've met: my Captain, Cryxus, King Bull, Shalanar, Gremlin and the Guardian (you know who you are *winks*).

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Sisterhood Guardians: Gremlin (quite ticklish), Chep, Icepheonix, White Reaper, AkenEX, Kael Rayne, Ilias, Harri, Swordmaster Trey, Redneck, Poppitz Resurrected

Page 159 - The Shade Ballance - Wod, Me.
As Metal Bunny turns to talk to the troops, he notices a familiar, formidable figure making its way towards him. Turning to the soldiers he cries "All Hail Master Wodin; he has returned!" Wodin's demeanor is confident as he strides towards Metal Bunny. Acknowledging his army, he grabs Metal Bunny and pulls him to one side. "I know what the shades require....and we are not going to let them have it." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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