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Lady Renata
Saru of the Sand
The Authority
Lady Nola
Absol inc
The Tokemeister
Shade of Aeoshattr
Eva De Vil
Caddeus J Rubros




Player ID: 89024
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 4251
Luck : 718
Energetic immunity : 5379
Trade sense : 3636
Briskness : 3754
Initiative : 2828
Defence : 12546
Attack : 23346
Power : 998
Waterhandling : 51
Volition : 1726
Herbalism : 55
Woodcutting : 66
Finesse : 75
Filtering : 42
Cartography : 65
Experimentalism : 37
*excavation : 40
Gardening : 26
Dowsing : 26
Mining : 31
*fusioning : 26
*taming : 26
Silver Set
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Darkness Principle = 4000
Transposition Principle = 4000
Principle of Light = 4000
A dark and mysterious keeper of endurance. He uses pain to forge and harden willpower and spirit, like a carpenter uses nails to craft sturdy woodwork.
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Battle stats
Won: 9982 | Lost: 9973
Honor: 2360
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance


A Nephilim - a being said to have been forged from human and angel blood alike, by the Angel of Death himself - with an empty purpose, hollow, vain dedication and nothing more than a scornful pride and sense of deluded superiority over simple men. 

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A little crime, a mindless theft was all it took. Stealing the Subtle Knife was what started the shattering, cleaving this one's soul in half and leaving the broken pieces crumbling away in brittleness, forever susceptible to harm - unmendable and increasingly lost and broken in time. It is still uncertain whether this new experience is nothing but a feverish dream, or indeed true, genuine reality... Alas it is clear that the remains of what was once a Nephilim awoke in the Paper Cabin and decided to renegade their past name, calling themselves Aeoshattr.     

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Foolishly longing for that which could never belong in one's arms can be one of the most shredding, tormenting forms of agony. One must learn to long and lose, to admire but not touch, to contemplate and be content with the little one has been granted. For many times, desiring or even reaching for the object of one's wishes can cause it to wither, pale in value and die. Loving and losing by his own hands, yet against his will, is what this one had to learn - may the Muse of Love find one worthy of admiring her.

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A burden to carry alone - that is what Pain is for most. It is a burden that is rarely ever lessened and most often gets heavier in time. Yet many times, one can find an aid; another one so devoted that they will carry the pain of another and only ask for love in return. Yet love is something that cannot be demanded or asked for, and never should be: be mindful of those who share or carry your burden, and never leave them behind as you soar to new heights with your weights lessened. For your wings shall crumble to dust when your aid withers away, dessicated of love and strength and leave you helpless, plummeting down to even harsher agony.     

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Pledging one's heart to a land is indeed one of the most profoundly changing experiences in this realm; be certain and truthful to yourself, lest you shall end suffering, lonely among many. This one had pledged his heart to Loreroot, taking the mark of the Children of the Eclipse. While it was not meant to last, the change was core-wracking and lingers to this day; pursuit of the Night, temper and fears are echoes of this past self, remnants of a fundamentally altering pledge - one that brought joy, but anguish and Pain alike. Eroding his already thin heart little by little...   

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Little by little, crumb by crumb, shards gathered - each mistake spawning a new one, a new broken reflection in a desperate attempt to learn what was needed for redemption. Yet each new echo only reverberated further and further away from the truth. His love misplaced once again, angelic vengefulness, pride and scorn were brought to the surface in a grotesque display, to show the true nature of the beings he once revered, now in a saddening revelation. The Light holds nothing of worth for any other beings than those forged from Light itself... A being that Aeoshattr sadly was not.     

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Erosion became indeed, but a daily truth - merely entropy. However, when there is little to nothing left to shave away, when only prickly dust chokes the heart, change is at its most fundamental. Nothingness cannot break; there is nothing to take from Emptiness... Thus when his trust was once more broken and abused, this hollow, empty shell caved in on itself, all six facets shattering open. Nothing was left but a twisting, ravenous, devouring Pain. 

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And still... the cube remained, giving rise to the Last. All six facets were shattered, each in a unique way. Delicate, translucent webs adorn the flimsy fabric of the worn cube, casting twisting, dancing shadows within. Nothing left to break, nothing left to wear out; nothing but the dark, flickering emptiness of one's inner self, when all else has been extinguished. Occult, occluded, silent, Necrovian by choice and destiny, and peacefully alone in a Night of the heart.     
Some of my creatures
Ember Rustgold Greed Baruch Blackfire Cloak Wrath Heart Edmund Lamia Blade Crow Scream Imperial Aramor Assassin


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When the eye of May glares down
Under the old linden I rest.
The way the wind twirls your gown...
Your ballet has me obsessed.

Prance and jump and swing and sway!
Make good use of all your charms.
Dance! Dance! Dance your mind away;
Come and wither in my arms...

A broken path your eyes must follow
Along dull lines that we once traced.
Love! Why have you left me hollow?
A few more steps, more tears misplaced.

Your touch my skin must feel once more,
To rake your nails across my chest;
Alas! Your love has left me sore.
To you, I know t'was but a jest.



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Suffering is solely for necessity.
Deliver not one more blow than needed.
There is power behind grace.
Cherish not the blood that stains your hands.


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Wings of noble, gentle

And bitter tongue you have

Discord and tears alike,
One's value is based solely on Willpower - the strength to balance one's desires with reality, the power to resist outside influence. Worthy are those both of great and small Willpower, yet for different purposes. Know and exercise your Will...        

Page 273 - The Shade Ballance - Kn. Yrth. Wod. dst
"Thank you Commander, Golemus will never forget your help" Yrthilian takes the dagger from Knator Commander. "Wodin, now you die, i think you got used to that allready .... muhahhaha". ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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