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Ahura Mazda
Player ID: 132493
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Regeneration : 11
Luck : 10
Energetic immunity : 22
Trade sense : 14
Briskness : 12
Initiative : 8
Defence : 29
Attack : 32
Power : 12
Royal Guard
Principle of Balance = 38
Principle of Cyclicity = 37
Principle of Enthropy = 39
Principle of Syntropy = 37
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Battle stats
Won: 198 | Lost: 144
Honor: 3777
MindPower: 4
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Ahura Mazda is not particularly tall in today's standard, but he is still rather handsome and attractive.  His hair is short and spiky in color of sliver gray.  Like his kind, his eyes are in bright golden when nourished and in bright red when thirsty.  His skin is hard as marble and cold as ice.  He processes super physical strength and senses.

Compassionate and caring toward others but in constant turmoil internally, he might appear distant and indifferent when you first meet him.  As a sensitive being, he needs a lot of personal space.  This trait has brought much tension in his relationship with his true love Grid Althea.

When he is alone, he often likes to retreat deep into the mountain and meditate.

My Story

It was in 36 AD.  I was a servant of the one who put him on the cross.  I was sadden.  I couldn't comprehend how someone as innocent, good and loving as him would be humiliated and be put to death like that.

Master was relieved when the crowd was finally satisfied with the judgment.  He ordered us to leave him undisturbed.  I took the opportunity to take a walk in the city.  Everyone was on the main street watching that man crawling his way to be prosecuted.  I couldn't bear to watch such sickening scene, so I tried to find somewhere quiet.  Somewhere to clear my head.

I must have lost track of time and place.  Suddenly I saw a beautiful face with a pair of glowing red eyes in a dark alley.  My instinct told me to run, but I didn't.  Instead I knelt down in front of the figure.  Then my instinct told me to beg for my life.  Instead I raised my chin up and stared straight back into my hunter's eyes.  I didn't feel fear.  I felt ready.

The beautiful face had a split second of hesitation.  Perhaps it's my unusual certainty and determination to die.  Then something overcame her, or him, I wasn't sure, because he grabbed the back of my head with such powerful force.  Everything happened so quickly.  It seemed all happened at once.  I felt something cold and sharp piercing into my throat.  It was painful, but I supposed it wasn't nearly as painful as what that man had to endure.

Then I faintly heard some noises.  My body was dropped onto the ground.  I lost conscious...  Am I burning in hell?  I finally awoke after some days.  I was alone.  I was scared.  I realized my senses clearer, my body stronger, and I felt a different sensation of hunger ... or is it thirst?

If it wasn't for those burglars just so happened to be getting out of a window above us at that very moment, I wouldn't have continued living to tell you how I became a vampire.  However, could anyone call this living?

Some of my creatures
Dark Archer III Grasan Huvourer Grasan II Aramor Assassin Hollow Warrior

Page 246 - A Freezing Firestarter
"That was so refreshing! But...it's still not what I seek..." Phrog's spirit settles near the Howling Gates to watch some of the people passing by. "Perhaps one of them can help me find what I seek." Several pass without notice. "Hmm...which one is most likely to help..I suppose I could give them some clues if they take a moment to listen..." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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