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Sora Aeriekeeper




Player ID: 113041
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 6843
Energetic immunity : 5870
Trade sense : 3350
Briskness : 3561
Initiative : 3079
Defence : 9567
Attack : 9952
Power : 3171
Luck : 7242
Volition : 1495
Cartography : 91
Herbalism : 83
Gardening : 75
Mining : 80
*excavation : 84
Finesse : 93
Woodcutting : 76
Waterhandling : 80
Experimentalism : 68
*taming : 68
Dowsing : 68
*fusioning : 68
Filtering : 63
Sun God Armour
Principle of Imagination = 4000
Principle of Light = 4000
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Transposition Principle = 4000
Time Principle = 4000
This affectionate title was bestowed on Aia for all the work she has done for the community. Very few have dedicated so much time, effort, and love to the game.
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 3000 | Lost: 3000
Honor: 3549
MindPower: 5

Children of the Eclipse
The oneness of your housing is at 2 %

Aia, Priestess of Moon's Light

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

The Priestess of Moon's Light: 

A radiant soul, tarnished by her dark past. A beacon to those enshrouded in darkness.

Alliance Leader of the Children of the Eclipse
Guardian of the Gateway Island
Queen of Loreroot
First place, Fourth Mind-Power, Heads Contest, February-March 2009
Second Place, Fourth Mind-Power, Heads Contest, March-April 2009
Writer medal for contribution to Archives, March 2009, as part of the team that edited the Adventure Log
Solved entirety of Bootes' Quest, The Puzzle Gauntlet, correctly, for one wishpoint
Delivered a speech, on virtue, at the Lunar Festival
Wrote an article for the MD Archives - The Inhabitor Theory
Returned the Eclipse to existence
Became a Gateway Island Guardian
Became a realm-shaper and earned the Gold A25 Medal
Obtained a coloured, unique avatar - the first of its kind

Raised in a utopia far from the realms of MagicDuel, Aia was taken from her parents at birth and blessed by the high priestess of the goddess Mana. Serving in the high temple, Aia learned to understand the essence of white magic, the Principle of Light. For seventeen years she served, sheltered from the impurity of outside influence.

In her eighteenth year, the realm of Mana was overthrown by the god Xush, and the temple of Mana was looted. Aia was among those captured and forced into performing rituals for the god Xush, rituals that brought darkness to the realm of Mana. Imprisoned and tortured by the Xushi, Aia and the other priestesses, for the sake of Mana and her existence, performed a final ritual to cleanse themselves of the evils of Xush. Drawing upon Mana, they were able to sever the bonds between flesh and spirit, and some ascended into the aether, to Mana's last untouched sanctum. However, some had already been corrupted by the rituals they had been forced to undertake, and for the sake of the others, Mana denied them sanctuary. She took pity on those, however, that evil had touched, and sent their spirits through space and time to the realm of MagicDuel. Among them, one other watches her...

The quest of Aia is to find her brethren and cleanse them and herself of the taint of Xush, so that she may ascend to the sanctum of Mana, who she believes is currently amassing a force to not only defend her sanctum, but also to reclaim her realm, such that all her followers may again live in utopia.

Thus, Aia seeks the spell of purification, that which can cleanse the corruption of her soul and that of others, as well as the spell of healing, to restore those souls which she has torn.

In the passage of a soul, many memories are lost, and others lie dormant. Thus, there are memories that Aia has locked away, perhaps because they are too painful for one such as she. Some of them may come to her when triggered. Other memories may lead to anguish, and yet others, suffering.

Aia remembers but a snapshot of the rituals of Xush; yet they are overwhelming. She knows that she has torn the souls of the innocent from their vessels, and bound them to new vessels: some inanimate, some defiled. The tearing of the soul from its vessel via this means is never clean if the soul is unwilling; some remnant remains, and that which is bound anew is incomplete. Such a rite is worse than murder, for the assassin's blade, while it ends life, does not imprison the soul, nor does it divide it.

Aia knows this, and bears the responsibility of the souls she and others have torn. She still walks this realm in search of redemption.

While she has not yet found redemption, she has stumbled upon, and been swept by, the phenomenon known in this realm as love, forbidden to her in the service of the temple, and yet, she believes, the brightest light of all. She is married to Lucius Tarquinus, the Champion of the Moon. 

 Lucius Tarquinus, Moon Knight, is Aia's husband and best friend. The mere mention of him sends Aia into daydreams of him.
Aia's wedding ring, forged by *Kragel* from silver taken from the Moon, set with an onyx, a bloodstone, and a moonstone. Upon Lucius's finger were one that matches it.

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

A big thankyou must go to the following for their help during the heads contest. Aia is eternally grateful:
Kalamanira Kol
Logan Marquis
Blu Sapphire
Princ Rhaegar
Konstantin Harknesse

Aia's first place in it could not have been achieved without you... so it belongs to you as much as it does to her. If there is any favour she may do for any of you, simply ask.
"Aia" means "That one" in Romanian. This were by pure coincidence, but I am advised that this has caused Mur much bewilderment, especially when Aia were the topic of his conversation.
Some of my creatures
Sarasith Lord Tamed Reindrach Rustgold Madhorn Hollow Warrior BloodPact Chaos Archer Angien Sentinel IV Horseman II Doppelganger Wind Dragon III Santa IV Tainted Angien IV
The Fate of the Cube

It seems that the God Muratus hath declared the Realm of MagicDuel to be, as it were, formed from a cube. I imagine, then, that had such a realm originated in different orientation, that Night may be a more common occurrence. Likewise, the cube in which all may come to this realm may resemble, or echo thus, this formation.

I wonder then, if I were to model such an orientation, would a different orientation, and thus, outcome, be possible?

If I were to mark one surface of a cube with an arrow, pointing to the north, with the marked surface facing upwards, such that it were opposite to the surface that doth contact the flat surface, and place such cube on the flat surface, such that it does not, and cannot slide, but roll, and flip over its edges when gently pushed in any of four directions, would it be possible to return the cube, in any number of the aforementioned moves, to the original space that it had occupied, with the difference that this cube must be oriented with the marked surface facing upwards, and the arrow pointing to the East; toward the Tribunal Lands, and Dominion of Mur?

While the answer may be yea or nay, such a solution must come with impeccable logic, and reason, rather than endless tirade. If the answer were yea, a solution, or sequence of moves, shall satisfy, while if the answer were nay, provide impeccable reasoning, or proof, wherefore it were so.

Lucius Tarquinus, mine husband and true love, did once offer his spell document to all that solve this puzzle; now, I grant mine own to all that satisfactorily provide of solution. Exceptionally elegant solutions shall also be eligible for a choice of wish-point from myself, or Drachorn, from Burns.

Eight hath solved it thus far; Kafuuka, Aelis, Lazarus, Demonic God, Tissy, Elyssia, Fyrd Argentus, and Valoryn. Well thought out indeed.

One needst think malicious intent were worthy of abhorrence; yet, consider that absolution and reconciliation may be more likely to result in change than judgment.

She sparkles, as pure as dawn-lit dew;
She laughs like a river that courses with light.
She breaks through the clouds, sweet heavenly blue,
And she shines like a planet, celestial white.
She tosses her hair, a clear breeze after rain,
And her gaze is a sunbeam that sets me aflame.
In her eyes are no shadows, sorrow, or pain,
But I melt like spring snow when she whispers my name.
- Tarquinus, Moon Knight, beloved of Aia

~ White Planet ~
She dances through the lightless sky
And gleams to those who watch below:
A pale, unwinking, flawless eye
Whose drifting light will set aglow
All darkened hearts deprived of hope.
Those fearful in the looming night
Whose shadows will confess no scope
May gaze upon her steady light
And warm their thoughts in love’s embrace.
In all celestial pantomime,
Amid the steps of stellar grace,
I mark but one ‘til end of Time:
The song to prise my soul from granite,
The night’s first jewel, the bold white planet.
- Tarquinus, Moon Knight, beloved of Aia
~ Woodpecker ~
(a story by jakubhi, as told to Aia on the day of her coronation)

Inside a forest, two woodpeckers were flying. From one tree to another, searching for a new home.

Peck. Peck.

The sound carried for two days and nights.
The smaller woodpecker managed to be the first to find a tree that fit him. The wood was not too hard to peck into, but still firm enough to make a home.

The other, bigger and stronger woodpecker, seachered a bit longer. He was not satisfied for a long time, until he found a tree with the densest wood in the forest. A home build in such a tree would be the the best.

The woodpeckers started working.

Peck, peck.

The smaller one would sometimes glance in the direction of the bigger one. Each time, he would see the mighty pecks of the other, much stronger than his own. But even with his mighty pecks, the stronger one worked slower than the weaker one, his work much harder because of the best wood he had chosen.

The two of them worked tirelessly for days, they only paused to get a bit of food to replenish their thinning energies.

Finally, the smaller one finished his home. He was much weaker than at the start of building, but he would be able to regain his strength since his home was finished.

The stronger one was still far from completing his home. He could have given up and start building another home in much weaker tree, but he had strong will and continued in his current work.

Peck peck.

The previously strong one grow weaker and weaker. It was starting to get cold, as the winter was behind the corner.

The smaller woodpecker would each day see the other one working tirelessly, not giving up even for a moment.

Peck. Peck.

First bits of snow showed up.

Peck. Peck.

Days went one after another.

Peck. Peck.

Then, suddenly, the forest stayed silent. The smaller woodpecker looked out of his home. He did not see the other one, only a hole he worked on, not deep enough to even sit in.


A few months later, a young woodpeckers flew from the smaller woodpeckers home, leaving behind their proud parents, their home.

No new generation flew away from the forest's strongest tree.

Page 387 - The Inner Sun - Bo., MRD
The sound of battle grows deeper and the two men fall into silence, concentrating on the task at hand. There are no exclamations or sighs; there is only the crack of stone on stone, the sound bouncing off the gates. This lasts for several more minutes before MRD explodes, “This is it, Bootes! I have you now – prepare for defeat!” ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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