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Player ID: 261634
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 416
Luck : 180
Energetic immunity : 332
Trade sense : 291
Briskness : 326
Initiative : 311
Defence : 826
Attack : 838
Power : 246
Volition : 619
Mining : 37
Herbalism : 9
Woodcutting : 8
*excavation : 6
Waterhandling : 7
Finesse : 15
Cartography : 63
Filtering : 6
Gardening : 7
*taming : 3
Experimentalism : 1
*fusioning : 0
Royal Guard
Transposition Principle = 4000
Time Principle = 2218
Element Principle = 2110
Principle of Cyclicity = 2922
Principle of Imagination = 1663
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 799 | Lost: 719
Honor: 3870
MindPower: 5

Children of the Eclipse
The oneness of your housing is at 2 %


There may be an excess even of informing light. Niépce, a Frenchman, discovered “actinism,” that power in the sun’s rays which produces a chemical effect, — that granite rocks, and stone structures, and statues of metal, “are all alike destructively acted upon during the hours of sunshine, and, but for provisions of Nature no less wonderful, would soon perish under the delicate touch of the most subtile of the agencies of the universe.” But he observed that “those bodies which underwent this change during the daylight possessed the power of restoring themselves to their original conditions during the hours of night, when this excitement was no longer influencing them.” Hence it has been inferred that “the hours of darkness are as necessary to the inorganic creation as we know night and sleep are to the organic kingdom.” Not even does the moon shine every night, but gives place to darkness. ~Thoreau


Question is since in MD it's always day, how come all this light doesn't affect the state of the realm?

Some of my creatures
Angien Sentinel III BloodPact Chaos Archer Fury Majestic Winderwild Imperial Aramor Assassin Walking Tree Reanimated Roots Hollow Warrior Maxy

Excerpt of hated wiseness

There are no two identical sandgrains.

True love seduces but is never seduced.

God is in words but devil is in the detail.

Often the last key from the stack opens the lock.

Miracle is an event that defies the natural laws.

Success is when you go to sleep with peaceful mind.

Love is divine condition and solitude is human condition.

Love is just a word until someone shows up and gives it meaning.

Hardship is an ancient tool created to help us clarify who we are.

Saying no isn't always selfish and saying yes isn't always a virtue.

The possibility you are not allowed to consider is probably the right one.

People's gaze makes us objects of their worlds rather than being free subjects of our own.

If you stick to the path well troden you will leave this world way sooner than you think.

During most important moments of life we are always alone, none more so than when facing death.

Beware of self-fulfilling prophecy when you mistakenly refer to something that is "recent" as "last".

When one start loving his work he will let others love him and when he accepts others' loving works he will let himself to love them.

Nobody can rewind the time but we all can move forward, so live each day as if it was your first, that way you will live like an innocenet child.

Solitude exists so that love can rest, it's not an absence of love but rather it's complement; because the one who is never alone doesn't know himself.

Enemy isn't the one standing in front of us with sword in hand but rather the one standing beside you with knife behind the back; enemy isn't in front of you who tests your courage, real enemy is a coward testing your weaknesses.

Combative creeds

Some enemies are always beside us, they pose as our friends. We all suffer when our dignity is attacked or our pride injured, but the greatest pain is inflicted by those who we considered to be our paragons. Behind too much cordiality the blade is hidden waiting to pierce you. Loyal people ain't afraid to show what they think because they know that other loyal souls will understand their virtues and flaws but beware of those who always try to appease you. Don't allow some cowardly and mean heart to enter your world because when evil happens, blame is useless since master of house let it in himself. The weaker the slenderer the more dangerous are his plots so don't be vulnerable in front of weak souls who don't tolerate strong and secure people.

If you are challenged for your thoughts and ideals, sally forth and accept the fight because conflict of thoughts is part of life and it has to come out to light of day. Careful however, don't fight to prove you are right or to force your ideas, accept the fight so your spirit remains pure and your will immaculate. When fight is over both sides will be winners because they tested their flaws and abilities. If somebody is just provoking you, walk away, fight only with those worthy of fight, not with those who lie and cheat to rekindle old hatreds. You won't see that from warriors who know what they are doing on the battlefield but rather from those who use victories and defeats to further their own ends.

Don't retaliate hatred with hatred but rather with righteousness. People aren't divided on friends and enemies but on weak and strong. Strong ones are generous in victory, while the weak gather around and prey on the defeated not knowing that defeat is just a temporary state and among the defeated they pick on the most vulnerable. If that happens to you, ask yourself if you want to accept the role of victim in defeat, if so, then know that role will stick with you for the rest of your life and you will embrace it each time when a decision will require your courage, your defeatist view will always be stronger than victorious words you speak and all will see it. But if your answer is negative then persevere, persevere no matter what, and if you do, eventually hyenas will move on to the next victim who will have to learn the same lesson because nobody else can help her otherwise.

Page 65 - SmartAlekRJ's Lost Dragon
Confused but also intrigued of what is going on, he decided to try to release one of the dragons that the tiny people keep bound and see what happens. He slowly releases one of the drachorns. The Creature is massive and looks dangerous. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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