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Emily Roberts
john quarrie




Alexandria Maplewood
Player ID: 202371
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 8
Energetic immunity : 14
Trade sense : 3
Briskness : 9
Initiative : 27
Defence : 61
Attack : 69
Power : 2
Luck : 26
Volition : 1
Cartography : 3
Principle of Imagination = 8
Element Principle = 7
Principle of Light = 10
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 109 | Lost: 104
Honor: 1675
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
    Alex, Wandering... Never to be freed... Waiting to find the right time.. Not for revenge, to ask a question. Why.

  Her mind swirled to smoke around her one memory, her eyes turned a shadowy silver color, her voice was rendered quiet and she became helplessly weak. She tried hard to remember what had happened to her. But she couldn't. To distract herself she took out the knife she found and twirled it on the tip of her finger, suddenly the memories cam rushing back to her, the masked man, the scars on her neck, the blackness of the night... She stopped spinning, and the memories stopped.. Her mind swirled back to smoke. From then on she went on spinning her knife to remember.... 
      That night she fell asleep, and woke up beside a lake, her memory was gone again...  She saw others.. she could sense that they were not like her, they were alive...
UPDATE!!: I am now a Sister^.^


PURPOSE:  The purpose of The Sisterhood is to gather women into a sorority of  "Sisters" for the sole purpose of having fun with role playing with other players and creating mischief where ever we may be...such as smooching willing men.

The following Sisterhood rules are not to be taken seriously.

1. You must ask to smooch the men of MD, if you wish to participate in this duty.

2. Share your weapons and other nasty toys with your Sisters when asked.

3. You must forgo all notions that you are to act like Ladies, unless in the presence of Kings or Queen Kets.

4. Always stand behind your Sisters in times of need.

5. You must accept that slurping is a Mur given right to all Sisters.

6. Understand The Snicker Game and be prepared to play it at a moments notice.

7. Pay attention to the Mood Panel for collective instruction.

8. Keep an eye out for prospective Sisters.

9. Don't be shy on ideas for The Sisterhood to accomplish.

10. Always show your respect to the Kings and Queens of each land.

11. Be available to witness the swearing in of new Champions of the Rose and give them a smooch to "seal the deal" when asked.

Active Members:

1. Mistress Windy

2. Sister SageWoman

3. Sister Mainnelle D Ashke

4. Sister Mya Celestia

5. Sister sasha lilias

6. Sister Mysteria Blue

7. Sister Nylah Raynen

8. Sister Curiose

9. Sister Keida

10. Sister Gort Hedera

11. Sister Kiley Ann

12. Sister euraana Fitdo

13. Sister Vika Noir

14. Sister Lintara

15. Sister Raine Castaway

16. Sister Alexandria Maplewood.

The Sisterhood Oath

I, (state your name), do hereby swear to do my Sisterly duty, which is to have fun, help others, and do whatever task my Mistress of The Sisterhood asks of me.  So help me MUR!

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Some of my creatures

The Clan:


This “Clan” is a family gathered under the wing of the Demoness. She considers them all as family and will protect them as if they were. She is very picky about who is allowed to join her clan and may put each member through a series of tests. However, there will be ranking, she asks for respect as the leader from each member. Ones of her kind that she specifically turned, rank above the ones who are not of her kind, BUT this can change if one earns their rank, and gets higher up




Clan Leader:  Keida


 First Member:  Alexandria Maplewood

Clan Contract:



Upon entering the clan there is certain rules that must be followed, when this contract is broken, you void your agreement, punishments will be decided by the clan as a whole, by joining this clan you agree to follow the rules given and if broken, then you agree to take the given punishment decided. If you do not accept whatever punishment you are given, then that will be equal to accepting the death penalty, and so the you will forever be an enemy to the clan.




v     You are not allowed to turn another person without first coming to the clan leader. 

v     Betrayal of another member with result in a penalty

¨      Appear to clan meetings.

¨      Have the proper respect for superiors

¨      Follow the orders of your higher ranks

¨      If you do not agree with an order given, request an audience with your leader. However, if you do resist the order given at that time, you will have to accept the punishment of your superior as long as the leader deems it within reason.

¨      If you are given a punishment you do not agree with, seek a trial and it will be seen, until then, the order will be set on hold.

¨      All members will undergo training to make sure they are suitable for the position received.

In order to leave the clan, the counsel must be spoken with, if there is not yet a counsel you must speak with the leader and see if permission to leave is granted. This is a clan for life, not just something to do for now.



In order to make sure that these simple rules are followed, this contract MUST be signed in blood.




Signature: Alexandria Maplewood



Page 242 - The Shade Ballance - Br.
The roar becomes deafening as the swirling colors become dark and spin at their core. The shape and size of the body shifts. Magical energy electrocutes the air around the forming creature. A deep darkness pulls all of the energy in toward the center of the pentagram, and then an unseen pulse throws Braiton to the ground. Silence commences. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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