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Azulls shadow
Illusory Dan




Player ID: 202358
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 173
Energetic immunity : 281
Trade sense : 166
Briskness : 202
Initiative : 79
Defence : 637
Attack : 1021
Luck : 99
Power : 449
Experimentalism : 6
Herbalism : 9
Waterhandling : 5
Filtering : 5
Finesse : 7
Volition : 1264
Cartography : 17
Royal Guard
Silver Set
Element Principle = 3158
Principle of Balance = 3722
Principle of Imagination = 3720
Time Principle = 4000
Transposition Principle = 4000
Observes the sky and is able to decide how clear it is, regardless of what others can actually see with their own eyes
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 7671 | Lost: 7720
Honor: 1458
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
A piece of paper
Addressing announcements

As Ann. 2408 says, here is something of a wishlist. And of course I don't go for easy stuff.
If any of these appear, it will more likely be from work but would be nifty nonetheless:

-My leash

-Locations, locations, locations. Visiting is nice but walking back is even better.
I guess I should put some in a list: deep GG, inside the House of Tainted Times, Champion's Challenge, Fields of Fear, the balcony in the MDA (portal hopped there once), the Pathkeeper, or anywhere else that's harder to get to like those

-Acoustic remains. I tend to log a fair bit, having the spell could be fun.

-Protector for a while. I figure I'll try it eventually to see if I can handle it. Maybe use it as a stepping stone to see if I could handle trying LHO.  Managed this for a month, thank you!

(Edited Day 115, Year 8 after seeing Ann. 2543)

Ann. 2477 noted the need for an updating list of activity.

Year 5 (2010)
Got 4th place in November/December Heads Contest

Year 6 (2011)
Participated in Maebius's "A little tour, of sorts"
Mighty Pirate's Treasure-Hunting quest -- Won a wp
Helped with MD Birthday Team Merry Devilers
Joined the Tainted Warriors
Became a Voice on the Forum

Year 7 (2012)
MD Birthday:
     BFH's 7 differences challenge
     Dominion Journey -- got Tribunal citizenship and a puzzle medal
Falronn's "Suspicious visitor in the realm?" -- Won a wp
Guillak's "Your Musical Portrait" and "What creature are you?"
Participated in most of the Maebius Monthly Madness events
Lashtal's "What do you see when you look at the mirror?"
Summer Fest:
     BFH's serial killer quest
     lashtal and Valldore Nal's "Take your time"
     darkraptor's Summer Quizz
     Maebius's The Treasure Chests
     Wrote and coded "To the stage!"
Submitted to lashtal's Day of Fear event
     Nimrodel's "How the MD creatures stole Christmas"
     Eagle Eye's star hunt
     darkraptor's Christmas quest
     Still working on Kyphis's Christmas Scavenger Hunt

Year 8 (2013)
Finally got to the Angein Expansion part of Burns's quest
Participated in Nimrodel's "In the Eye of the Beholder"
Took part in Seigheart's Day of Fear event - got a spell doc
First with Jaden in BFH's Day of Fear - WP and soulweaver
MD Birthday:
darkraptor's Painted Aramor
Tom's Sweet Treat
Dan's DoM First Experience - won my leash
Public Challenge 1 - won access to the Fields of Fear
Public Challenge 2
Some of my creatures
Pumice Tholin Tourmaline Chalcanthite Variscite Revolted Skill Vampire Carnelian Unholy Pope Pimped Grasan Gypsum Aramor Assassin - Anniversary Sopranino

If I have time to hate, I'm neglecting something
Hello Hate

Hello Hate
I have promoted you from Oldest Game instructions holder to journal. I understand that it's not the sort of thing you might normally hold but I need you to come through with this for me. Ways will do a good job holding the instructions, don't even worry about those.

I also apologize in advance for accidentally calling you Paper, I'm very used to writing on him.
Let's get to it!

The Oldest Game

     The name is deceiving, for this is more than just a game. When all the worlds, and all the planes were but formless mist, this is how Powers claimed their superiority. How can that without a shape, without a form, test their strength against one another? The obvious answer with influence, how we mere mortals are affected by their presence and their promises. How then, before men and monsters, was dominance established? That is how The Oldest Game arose.

     It is a contest of ideas, of dreams, of natures, and of innate power. Blows are never laid, fingers are never curled into fists and steel is never shown. Instead, in that ephemeral twilight realm, ideas are given form, and combatants are always shifting. It is a difficult thing to explain, if you wish to learn, I will show you. Worry not, you risk nothing but your pride... at least the first time. Do not forget though, this is the way the first wars were waged, and idle sparring is saved for those dearly trusted.

     As all things, this game is not without it's rules. One must be challenged, or issue a challenge; the challenge must then be accepted. It is by he giving and acceptance of the challenge that the conflict is given weight, given life. The Challenger strikes first, and the Challenged however chooses where the combat will take place. Strength is not measured from sword-arms and speed, instead from innate oneness and wisdom of the world. Strikes are not born of steel and magery, rather from ones nature. If you find it cryptic, I apologize, but there are few ways to actually give simple words to describe The Oldest Game; to do so risks oversimplification.

     The attacks are given life by a particular diction. "I am the Stag, Elusive and Silent". In response "I am the Hunter, Trap-setting, Stag-Hunting". This is the simplest of forms, a training form really in which one who is not familiar may be made familiar. The forms must begin with what is literal, The stag and the hunter. As combat rages, more abstract concepts may be used. The speed at which the abstract may take form is directly related to the power of the Combatant. To attempt to form beyond your ken, beyond your strength, is frightfully dangerous at best.

     On the topic of combat forms. Strength of one's form is directly proportional to how in tune that form is with the Combatant. This is a difficult thing to explain. If a man is brash, impulsive, and passionate, then his forms should suit. Constraining forms, binding forms, are lacking a oneness with him, and as such are weak and easily broken.

     Victory is simple. One must yield. One may yield actively, declaring his own defeat. One may also yield by the inability to present a form that effectively counters their opponents form, or by the inability to present in a timely manner

Note: I am not the original creator of this game, I just like to play it and happen to have the "Instructions book" as an item so I wanted to show how to play.

Page 86 - Golemus Wizard quest - Wod. Om.
The morphing light finished to take shape. The wizard looks at his creation , he finaly did it, despite all the attempts the shades made to stop him. A tear of joy drops as the killers blade cuts his throat. The wizard drops dead while the mysterious killer cleans his knife. "Hmm ..easier than i thought..." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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