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Player ID: 92372
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Regeneration : 3
Energetic immunity : 1
Trade sense : 0
Briskness : 5
Initiative : 1
Defence : 2
Attack : 4
Power : 1
Luck : 0
Darkness Principle = 10
Principle of Imagination = 12
Principle of Balance = 10
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Battle stats
Won: 45 | Lost: 45
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
I am amazed of how ignorant I am. Almost two weeks in this world and I feel like a newborn in terms of vitality. I struggle to fight then I must rest to recover myself. Or maybe I feel like a child, trying to understand the meaning of this world. I have much to learn. My ignorance keeps me away from what I do not know, I am safe from the bad things, the big alliances that fight each other, but I am also far from knowledge, the mistery and magic that rule this world. The only thing that comes to mind for now is \'rest, my child, for time will solve everything\'. And rest I shall ...
Some of my creatures

Page 387 - The Inner Sun - Bo., MRD
The sound of battle grows deeper and the two men fall into silence, concentrating on the task at hand. There are no exclamations or sighs; there is only the crack of stone on stone, the sound bouncing off the gates. This lasts for several more minutes before MRD explodes, “This is it, Bootes! I have you now – prepare for defeat!” ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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