Regeneration : |
0 |
Energetic immunity : |
5 |
Trade sense : |
2 |
Briskness : |
3 |
Initiative : |
1 |
Defence : |
4 |
Attack : |
4 |
Power : |
4 |
Luck : |
1 |
Darkness Principle |
= 17 |
Principle of Imagination |
= 17 |
Element Principle |
= 13 |
Loading human character...
You are not yet a member of any alliance |
Notes |
Tips and Things to Remember
- Try for 50/50, but it gets harder in higher mp lvls
- Some say go for exp, so go for wins, and let losses come naturally.
>> Honor can be gained in other ways for future (person didn\'t elaborate)
- once you fall beyond 500 negative honor you will get no exp unless you fight someone that gives you honor
- Healing Rit:
>> Can use Gars when against 1 enemy
>> Don\'t put any creatures that are full hp already except barrens
- Defense:
>> To protect lvling creatures, get a lot of archers, and put them to their own defense rits
>> Disabled battling in Press, Tranquil and Cities, Wind\'s Sanctuary
>> Dojos, not so much, too many rule breakers XD;
Marble Dale Park, the Gates outside, and one in Loreroot, the Defensive Quarters
Calyx is the Mistress of the Dales should pm her with all violations, if not on then BlackThorn
also PM fights from your battle log....copy and paste
First ask nicely if they understand the rules and then explain if they don\'t,
when they don\'t reply I should report them to her.
Lowest Sun God - 7k vp |
Page 252 - The Shade Ballance - Others |
After the victorious campaign against the Necros, the victors decided to go to the Path of Loneliness with the tree and celebrate. In all the cheer, the tree seemed to blossom with good fortune as well. ... |
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the could become part of it |