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Player ID: 184262
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Regeneration : 6
Luck : 4
Energetic immunity : 11
Trade sense : 6
Briskness : 13
Initiative : 4
Defence : 7
Attack : 20
Power : 7
Principle of Enthropy = 88
Principle of Cyclicity = 109
Principle of Balance = 139
Principle of Syntropy = 55
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 153 | Lost: 98
Honor: 1102
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Power Unknown, Believe and Embrace

Orphaned, as a child, her father a Demon, her mother a Witch. Both parents belong to warring families who fought for eon's.

Their families stumbled upon information of the witch and demon forbidden love for each other and sent out two contracts to kill them both before they could bring forth a child of Demon and Witch blood. This child's power would be so raw that it will rival even the gods themselves. It was obviously too late for those contrats. A child was born.

In order to protect the child, the Witch and Demon had to put the child in an ophanage for safety.

I now stand before you! I am ARAMARA!

I have found a family i can call my own my sisters just as powerful and great protectors of tranquility!

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Our mother earth greatest of all protectors also, known as Gaia...She will feed you and keep you warm love you and embrace you...but, just like a woman scorn her wrath will be placed upon you 100 fold. Keep her safe...put it in your will...so when you pass your children will be able to enjoy the same love gaia bestowed upon you!


Some of my creatures
Asotolu The Risen 1 Masi\'ofo

Page 272 - The Shade Ballance - All
In a neutral place far in the Archives, several former alliance members negociate their future actions. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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