Well were shold i start
perhaps what colour my hair is?
no that be silly..
would it not?

(because you can see the hair colour i have by just glimpsing at the picture)
Oh!, i know just the thing
my name
cant believe i almost forgot about that
can you imagine how rude of me that would have been.
I will tell you less it slips past my mind.
My Name is Avii , Av's for short.
And dont be so reckless to think you could just call me that right away!
I mean it is quite obvious it's only for those who know me to use.
How i stumbled uppon this realm.
well... actually that would be a good tale to tell
if i knew the answer to it.
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
See i dont remember much
only that i was training with the others before
lets say flashy swirls of light for short..
struck past me
and i found my self
in this world
Untill i know more i will stop here
put my feather down and ink away
and take some time to rest my head and
let time and nature have it's course
(Here am about to perform a special technique called 'Way Of The Hundred Fists' on a defenless block of wood
Dont give me that look!
That creepy piece of lumber was about to give me a splinter .... ok i got no real decent asnwer
Though we always have plenty of fire wood, thats a good thing although i cant speak for all the trees
but hey its not like were ever gonna run out of trees *cough* )
things just keep sneaking past it.