He wandered…Far from ruins of
battle, from bodies, and silence… With screams of dying in his ears, and
memories from thousands of people in his soul. Every memory belonged to
different person, and every person wanted to go somewhere else. It feels like,
in any moment, piece of himself will tear itself apart from the rest of his
being, to go where it desires. Eternal battle seem it would never stop, and
even in death Adrians would fight between themselves, in death especially…
He could not hear his own thoughts,
so he went forward, ever forward, losing himself in long strides where there no
voices to tell him to go left or right, or to follow fleeing Balkanians. There
was, but in some other part of his mind where clash of Steel still breathe,
like thunderous echo of the Storm. There were voices, and there were none… Soon
landscape begin to change, more and more things to appear without any apparent
reason. Upside down pyramid, gigantic tree, statue of some little girl, and
cemetery, all those scattered over landscape. As he moved forward so other
things begin to appear, but this were more special, more “alive”… And then, he
saw it… Surrounded by an aura of strange, otherworldly power, being without face, and
with wings, was examining an awkward, iron forged map, under some trees. “Soon,
brother”… It spoke, then pointed to something ahead. Bash Chelik followed the
direction and saw a strange cube shaped glow. By now, things from world he knew
were almost completely changed by the One from the other side of the cube.
Those were memories from people who come here before him. Unhappy childhoods,
one sided love, beatings, screams, secrets, tears, and sadness… thousands
sorrows… wishes to be something else, something more, somewhere else… This
world offered all this, he felt, he “just” needs to step through the sheen and
his burden will stay here, he will be free…free. But can he? Leave this
godslaying power behind him, might world never saw, strength of hundreds men?
Just for opportunity to be free, to be something more, to be human? Oh, he can…
And he will…
Moment of hesitation, and step into light, into eternity…
Winged creature carved something in
its map, and flew away with it. It went close to that statue of a little girl
whispering something to it between blows of its powerful wings… Wind took its
words, and carried them along the past, trees and memories..
“And now, he is yours…” a faint smile crossed the stony
face, or was it a dream?
A smell of
paper was first thing he noticed, and warm rays of Sun on his face. The small
cabin, a cradle of so many souls here, this place is almost sacred. He changed.
No trace of his armor, wings, sword.. His power diminished greatly and hole in
his chest were no more. Now he looked differently, he was different, he was
“he” not many others, and he felt strange feeling about that, is this what
mortals call happiness? He went outside. If this world would have a name, it
would be called “secret”, he feels it. He met none on his way when he
encountered shadows. But these were different, touchable shadows whos whispers
he heard.. “jo..join..join us”..
It is at that time when he felt fear, and he loved every
second of it. Yet another voices that tells him what to do, anger flooded him,
he charged. Crushing the silky darkness, giving in to his wrath, silencing
their voices. He bled, they hurt him, he barely stood on his feet, grasping
numerous wounds. And yet, he was more alive now while almost dying than he ever
was as most powerful being. Something is coming, something is close, he felt…
More of them.. they charged him like a Storm, eating him from inside. And then,
a being came, among the chaos, offering a cube that resembled entrance to this
world. He took it.. or did he run?
He flew across the stars with
little girl who resembled one from statue, she said her name is Marind. He saw
world, souls, secrets, and most of all he saw himself. “Cube is connection with
something you don’t have, Bash”. He felt a strange, striking sorrow because of
that, what he lacks? “You are wraithborn, you have no childhood, only chaos”
Something obscured his vision, and drown sky in blurry pain,
in tears.. and feeling this happened earlier. She smiled. “Ah, you remember,
part of you never left the place now called angien shrine, in attempt to wait
for me” he felt its true what she said, but he couldnt know
“Well, how could you, you were only boy back then a blind
one, just like everyone else were, small and vulnerable and blind”
“But its not childhood, Bash, its long forgotten past, and
you need future”.
They fly away, landing on that isle with little boy in
there. Boy was unaware of them. He was crying. “You waited for so long and now
your waiting is at end, at point where long lost part of your soul created
something more, you saw him, did you not?”
He remembered angel-like creature. “Yes, but, what happens
“Now touch your bond with me, become whole, and earn
your right to wait for me again, here at this place, where stars are just
synonym for hope, and your soul is at peace with your past”
He placed his hand on the shoulder of little boy, and world
exploded. Darkness cleared, vision returned, and gigantic behemoth made his
way through the smoke of the past. He wields two mauls now, and armor of more
earthly steel, with same conviction he wielded absolute might. His face remains
the same though, place where shadows dance, and fear calls it home. He is Bash
Chelik, but this time, he is also much more…
And as thunderous echo follows his battles a simple truth
comes to life:
“Be Steel… Or get carved in It”
Or was it just a dream?