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Player ID: 150916
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 111
Energetic immunity : 57
Trade sense : 31
Briskness : 85
Initiative : 44
Defence : 287
Attack : 476
Power : 118
Luck : 25
Volition : 0
Mining : 0
Herbalism : 0
Woodcutting : 0
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Enthropy = 172
Darkness Principle = 304
Time Principle = 218
Principle of Balance = 403
Principle of Imagination = 396
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 763 | Lost: 998
Honor: 3027
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Under Cover

Gazebo of Victory!
Have one on the House

Here-here wonderer; behold what we call the survival of the fittest! If a form of advancement is stopped another one will take its place. Nowadays only few players dare to fight each other, gloves off, old school style. Losses are permanent little stamps on your character that are hard to erase, and are almost never worth the risk.
To counteract that I suggest you take part in cumulating victories for yourself and others, so that on another day you may experiment with fights regardless the risk of losing them.
The question is simple.
Do you want to repeat a never ending cycle of retreats, or do you want to spill blood on the table?

For now you are in the testing stage, (you know like MD itself) you fight against mere sandbags, to gather knowledge and power, for battles to come.

To take part you must yourself offer a part of your army to become the target of public bloodlust.

Send at least 3 of your upgraded Trees to become a Part of our growing forests! And let the battle began!

Please set 3-6 level 4-5 Trees on Martirism in your defending ritual. With 0% Personal VE. We don’t want you, yourself getting hurt.

Attacking rituals should try to achieve victories, preferably without breaking the defenders. Loosing at least 10% of own VE and 40-50% of the attacker VE.

The player names of people who achieved correctly set attacks against me will be reported on this forum:

Clearly offensive attackers, will also be included in that list. If you are stronger than them,  attack them until death, if they are stronger, run to GGG if you see them.

Please try damaging less, end then working yourself up from there step by step.

-Martirism will give the trees a very high DEFENSE, so that normal attacking creatures will have a hard time getting trough.
-The trees wont attack you so you will only loose the minimum 10% own VE if you damage yourself.
-Lifesteal will heal you. If you use it you will need even more damage to yourself

Some of my creatures
Water Daimon III Imperial Aramor Assassin BloodPact Dark Archer III Day Dreamer Majestic Winderwild Elemental IV Grasan Huvourer Chaos Archer Master Lorerootian Archer Elemental V Walking Tree

Page 468 - The Traveler
The orb starts to move eastward, deeper into the dark land. Several humans follow it, some can see it, others can see just a disturbance in the air, but even so they follow it. It is as if their minds are cleared, they feel no panic, no fear, but also they are not very calm. Alerted by a sorrowful feeling, the current leader of the Necrovion army, Peace, hastes to see it. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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