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Ty of Ler




Player ID: 171578
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Regeneration : 3
Energetic immunity : 2
Trade sense : 0
Briskness : 5
Initiative : 1
Defence : 4
Attack : 7
Luck : 0
Power : 2
Principle of Enthropy = 19
Principle of Cyclicity = 22
Principle of Imagination = 16
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Battle stats
Won: 78 | Lost: 109
Honor: 4641
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance

Hello, my name is Belgarione. I used to rule the Northern Hemisphere as a great King. I am a wanderer from a place called Timonqin. The capitol city of my once ruled empire....

In my earlier years I searched for the all powerful Orb of Aldure. The Orb has been calling to me for sometime now. I feel it as strongly as I feel my heart beating. What I'm talking about by my earlier yearsis that I
gave up my search a few years ago because I could never seem to be able to pinpoint where my Orb was. I'm searching today and for all eternity until I find my Orb. I'm not quite sure why the Orb is calling me but I do know that we are connected somehow. I believe we used to be connected in a past life. It is my other half.
Until I find my counterpart i will never be whole. There is a great emptiness inside me. I am searching Magic Duel lands for my Orb. I have a very strong feeling that this land is hiding my orb in its mysterious depths. I hope to find it soon. 

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Items I want/need:

My Lost Orb of Aldure The most beautiful thing in the entire world...

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Page 271 - The Shade Ballance - Sh. Kh.
"Your Dark Majesty, what is it happening to you O.o?", "I am ..fading... we.. need.. to..?" "Yes master?". Khal looks now through the shade. He understands that the values of Necrovion are kept not by the shades but by the alliance they built. "How could i forget that, the shades we worship obey nature rules..their nature". A former alliance member approaches Khal. "Master Khal, who are you talking to?" , "no..nothing..i was thinking out load, about the ballance". "What ballance?", Khal looks at the stupidity on his subjects face "Who let you into Necrovion?" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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