The MoM Cypher
Worrisome Wordplay
Math Moreover
Pebble Puzzler
Pebble Puzzler 2
A Cookie Conundrum
Languishing Logic
The name is deceiving, for this is more than just a game. When all the worlds, and all the planes were but formless mist, this is how Powers claimed their superiority. How can that without a shape, without a form, test their strength against one another. The obvious answer is with influence, how we mere mortals are affected by their presence and their promises. How then, before men and monsters, was dominance established? That is how The Oldest Game arose.
It is a contest of ideas, of dreams, of natures, and of innate power. Blows are never laid, fingers are never curled into fists and steel is never shown. Instead, in that ephemeral twilight realm, ideas are given form, and combatants are always shifting. It is a difficult thing to explain, if you wish to learn, I will show you. Worry not, you risk nothing but your least the first time. Do not forget though, this is the way the first wars were waged, and idle sparring is saved for those dearly trusted.
As all things, this game is not without it's rules. One must be challenged, or issue a challenge; the challenge must then be accepted. It is by the giving and acceptance of the challenge that the conflict is given weight, given life. The Challenger strikes first, the Challenged however chooses where the combat will take place. Strength is not measured from sword-arms and speed, instead from innate oneness and wisdom of the world. Strikes are not born of steel and magery, rather from ones nature. If you find it cryptic, I apologize, but there are few ways to actually give simple words to describe The Oldest game; to do so risks oversimplification.
The attacks are given life by a particular diction. " I am the Stag, Elusive and Silent". In response " I am the Hunter, Trap-setting, Stag-Hunting". This is the simplest of forms, a training form really in which one who is not familiar may be made familiar. The forms must begin with what is literal, The stag and the hunter. As combat rages, more abstract concepts may be used. The speed at which the abstract may take form is directly related to the power of the Combatant. To attempt a form beyond your ken, beyond your strength, is frightfully dangerous at best.
On the topic of combat forms.Strength of one's form is directly proportional to how in tune that form is with the Combatant. This is a difficult thing to explain. If a man is Brash, impulsive, and passionate, then his forms should suit. Constraining forms, binding forms, are lacking a oneness with him, and as such are weak and easily broken.
Victory is simple. One must yield. One may yield actively, declaring his own defeat. One may also yield by the inability to present a form that effectively counters their opponent's form, or by the inability to present a form in a timely manner
Awiiya's Rhyming Version for Groups of Three or More
Depending on the number of people, answers must be given in the form of rhyming couplets or rhyming triplets. If you have an odd number of people, then use couplets. If you have an even number of people, then use triplets. This is done so that the same people are not always rhyming with one another and everyone gets the chance to start a rhyme.
If you're looking for some small, and potentially difficult, puzzles you've come to the right place. Cryptograms are streams of encoded letters where one letter directly replaces another. For instance, if I wanted to encode the word, "Dog" I could write "Agn" where A=D, G=O, and N=G. Get the idea? Anyways, if you manage to solve all of them, and are still fairly young, there might be a very small reward in the end for you. After each puzzle I'll place some letters that will give you a good starting point! Good luck, and have fun!
Number 1: MWZFYTQGZH (W=R, Z=I, F=E)
Number 2:HPIASHZC (H=H, P=A, S=S)
Number 3:ALNUUWYIDYI (L=H, I=G, D=I)
Number 4:CVT'E MZIQ SN! (S=U, I=V, V=O)
Number 5: NCWULT TYBVB... (N=A, B=E, W=M)
Number 6: PKWERJGKWA (K=O, R= A, W=U, A=S)
Number 7:VWC'GD ZWYD! (V=Y)
Tell me what the next two letters in this series are, and why. T, M, W, T, N, T, L, I, T, S, A, _,_
The number 8,549,176,320 is unique for one reason, can you tell me what it is?
There's only one mammal that can fly that can't fly. What is it?
A criminal is sentenced with the death penalty, but he gets to choose which room he will die in. In the first room there are gunman with loaded guns, in the second room there are lions that haven't eaten for three years, and in the last room is a raging fire. Which room does he choose and why?
Another criminal is also sentenced to death. The executioner decides that he will execute him differently depending on his last words. If he last words are true, the executioner will hang him. If they are false, the executioner will drown him, if he says an opinion, he will be shot through the head, and if he says nothing at all he will be beheaded. What can the man say to not be executed?
A poor man has an abundance of this, a rich man has a severe lack of this, and if either man eats too much of it, they will die. What is it?
I was digging around in an old closet that I discovered up in the MDA lands when I accidentally knocked over a jar sitting on the top shelf! Imagine my surprise when the jar burst open upon contact with the floor and red, blue, and green marbles rolled everywhere! Upon a quick cursory look I ascertained that there were 65 marbles total. The red ones seemed to be twice as plentiful as the blue, but the blue marbles seemed to be four times as plentiful as the green! However, before I could pick up all the marbles and hide all the evidence of my crime, AmberRune opened the door and scattered the marbles everywhere! In order to make sure that I found all of the correct marbles, how many each of red, blue, and green marbles do I need to find?
Using only the basic mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) it is possible to get an answer of 98 in a problem containing only 7 sevens. Each seven can only be used once and you must use every seven.
7 7 7 7 7 7 7
I've arranged four perfectly round pebbles, which also happen to be the same size, into two rows, like this. Each pebble is currently touching two others. (They aren't a square, think of a rhombus lying on it's side)
O O_
_O O
Your task is to make a straight line out of them by only sliding one pebble at a time. Sounds easy right?
Well, here's the catch. You have to do so in a way where each pebble you move touches at least two other pebbles after you're done moving it and you may not move another pebble by pushing it with the pebble you are moving. It's accomplishable in four moves. Good luck!
(P.S. If/when you send me the answer, please try and include pictures, even if they're just typed hyphens and zeros!)
Brulant, AmberRune, Blade Faryn, Adiomino, and Sasha Lillias baked a batch of 36 cookies, two-thirds of which were chocolate chip. The rest were plain. They each ate at least one right away. The cookies were so delicious, only one-and-a-half dozen are left, of which half are plain.
1. Brulant is allergic to chocolate.
2. Blade Faryn ate twice as many chocolate chip cookies as plain cookies.
3. Sasha Lillias and Adiomino each ate as many cookies as Blade Faryn and Brulant combined.
4. Sasha Lillias ate more chocolate chip cookies than Adiomino.
If the 18 cookies that were eaten were eaten by the bakers themselves, how many cookies of each kind did each person eat? ?
1. Determine the distribution of the types of cookies that were eaten. Then solve from there.
2. Simple math equations such as Brulant + Blade = Adiomino help a lot.
From the same pebbles that I used in the first puzzle I constructed a pyramid like so,
Now, your task is to turn the pyramid upside down with the same restrictions as in the first puzzle: Only slide one pebble at a time, don't move any other pebble with the pebble you're moving, and when you release your pebble it has to be touching two other pebbles.
Anyone can accomplish this puzzle in four moves. So I want you to do it in three.
Upon this page I will place a logic problem(s) that I myself find particularly puzzling. It will change weekly, or when many people solve it. Good luck!
Suppose that Brulant, AmberRune, Handy Pockets, and Awiiya are all wearing hats. Two of them are wearing black hats, and two of them are wearing red hats. Brulant is hiding behind Awiiya in such a way that none of the other three can see what hat he is wearing, but he cannot see any of the others. The other three are standing in a straight line, only able to see the people directly in front of them. Once they know their hat color, they must announce it. Other than that, no speaking is allowed. Which person will always be able to discover exactly which color hat they're wearing, and why?
The order goes: AmberRune <- Handy Pockets <- Awiiya :: Brulant
The arrows denote which way they can see.
I have received two strings whose only known property is that when you light one end of either string it takes exactly one hour to burn. The rate at which the strings will burn is completely random and every single string is different.
How could I measure 45 minutes?
One bright and sunny day, I was sitting outside the Paper Cabin waiting for AmberRune to appear. I got bored while I was waiting and started to mess around with 4 sticks that were lying around on the ground. AmberRune finally decided to show up, but when she saw me with the sticks she grinned and gave me 5 more.
"What're these for?" I asked her.
"Why, with those 9 nine sticks you can get TEN!" She replied.
What did she mean?
MoM challenged me to give him something he couldn't decode. This took me somewhat less than 5 minutes to create, but it should easily take 10 times that length to solve.