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Player ID: 113948
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Regeneration : 3
Energetic immunity : 3
Trade sense : 4
Briskness : 3
Initiative : 0
Defence : 1
Attack : 0
Power : 3
Luck : 0
Principle of Light = 29
Principle of Balance = 21
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Battle stats
Won: 18 | Lost: 14
Honor: 204
MindPower: 3
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The Balanced
      There is, there must be, a balance in the world. These balances are what allow the world to continue to exist. People think of death as being evil but in the end it is just as necessary for life as life itself. For without death the world of the living would become overpopulated and in the end be unable to support itself.
      This is what I have been taught my whole life, and now I finally know why. There is evil in this world that seeks to upset the balance of the world and good that seeks to destroy it. Neither side fully understanding that they cannot live without the presence of the other. Without the evil mankind would grow weak and lazy and fade away, without the good evil would exert its pressure on the world and eventually destroy it.
      This is my duty, to make sure that these two great forces stay in balance with each other and keep the world safe. For I may walk in the Light but my name means Death.

Traveling Note
-I have solved the riddle surrounding the mysterious device in bezerkers way and have discovered its secrets as far as I can to this point. Hopefully one day I will be able to completely solve its mysteries but for now I am content with what I have done.

-On the pillars in Marind's Marble Stairs there are messages that say "Look in the" and Capti...sadly the rest of the writing on the second pillar is smudged. I heard that to the east there was a Wind Tower that is called Merind's Capitol. After investigating no clues turned up at this location so I am off in search of more clues.

Some of my creatures

I do not hate easily or without cause but lest ye find yourself here be forewarned. I seek balance in life and the actions you caused to find your name etched on this scroll WILL be balanced.

Page 252 - The Shade Ballance - Others
After the victorious campaign against the Necros, the victors decided to go to the Path of Loneliness with the tree and celebrate. In all the cheer, the tree seemed to blossom with good fortune as well. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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