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Sheila La
Walking Dead
Jizzy Lizz
Soaring Shadow Hawk
Green Teeth
Cry Baby




Player ID: 109892
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 127
Energetic immunity : 72
Trade sense : 21
Briskness : 123
Initiative : 83
Defence : 627
Attack : 888
Power : 373
Luck : 44
Volition : 0
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Time Principle = 322
Principle of Enthropy = 184
Principle of Imagination = 3522
Principle of Balance = 4000
Darkness Principle = 92
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1581 | Lost: 2628
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
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I am Caru, Son of King bull and Queen Ailith(Ailith).


 I was born at Willows Walk in the Beautiful Land of Marind Bell, My mother and Farther were Loerootains , So i think that makes me Lorerootain I was born Lorerootain in the land of Marind Bell. I have Two Brothers Parchu the youngest and Gwyrth the 1st Born. We are Bull Elephants!


My father has always taught me Balance..... Balance is a Key

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Here is a story told by Khalazdad, this story was given to my Father by Khalazdad to do with as he whshes, King Bull (my father has decided to give  me the story to tell for all to enjoy.)


Some of my creatures
Water Daimon III Master of Puppets Rustgold Madhorn Imperial Aramor Assassin BloodPact Dark Archer III Elemental V Angien Sentinel IV Prince Archer The Confessed Majestic Winderwild Gold Sharptear Revolted Skill Vampire

Hello Everyone, I am Caru and i do not know hate. There are many things i do not understand, Hate has to be number one on the list. 

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That which does not kill you, Makes you stronger. The Balance is there........


Page 40 - SmartAlekRJ's Lost Dragon
SmartAlekRJ turns back the the great dragon hall where he entered the tunnels. After reading all those books about the Drakhorns he knows he has no reason to fear them as these are tamed dragons specialy breed for sacrification. With a bit of insane courage he decides to shout a speach for the tiny people there. All stop whatever they are doing and look confused at him.. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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