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Player ID: 137050
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 7
Energetic immunity : 12
Trade sense : 8
Briskness : 11
Initiative : -1
Defence : 292
Attack : 316
Luck : 9
Power : 30
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Darkness Principle = 34
Principle of Enthropy = 128
Time Principle = 42
Principle of Balance = 30
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 385 | Lost: 431
Honor: 4772
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
1. Finished tutorial
2. Found a very informative mentor (or more like he found me)
3. Solved berserkers way puzzle
4. Gained access to Willow's shop
5. Found 2 combinations to activate portal at gazebo of equilibrium
6. Reached exp cap (unintentionaly)
7. Defeated 1st Lore guardian using only raw strenght
8. Advanced to MP4
9. Solved the Broken Pattern Gazebo puzzle
10. Finished the MDA gardens maze and visited GG
11. Gained access to Loreroot (by killing both guards)
12. Collected full Sun God armor set
13. Briefly visited Necrovion
Some of my creatures
Elemental IV Henio Unholy Priest II Grasan Huvourer Water Daimon II Majestic Winderwild Imperial Aramor Assassin

Those that will get attacked by me on sight:
(possibly with rits causing exp loss) 

vasilias - atacking me with damaging ritual in GGG and at the same time preventing me from getting burst.
Diro - atacks people in dojo
Kalamanira Kol - repeatedly attacked me in GGG first breaking my defence and then making me get negative exp

Page 358 - The Inner Sun - Noo.
The substance drips off No One’s limbs in long strands which tear at his flesh. No One screams as his body oozes and is stripped to the very bone. He wheels around wildly, continuing to melt. Yet, he cannot run nor can feel or hear anything. He rolls his eyes to the sky, which has turned jet black, to avoid the sight of his naked bones. His screams echo only in his head. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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