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Player ID: 75199
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Regeneration : 4
Energetic immunity : 2
Trade sense : 0
Briskness : 5
Initiative : 0
Defence : 5
Attack : 10
Luck : 1
Power : 1
Principle of Syntropy = 10
Principle of Enthropy = 4
Time Principle = 47
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Battle stats
Won: 83 | Lost: 83
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 3
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Mastering the time, creating the clock
Crymage, proud wizard, third of his training class. Actually on investigation over the meaning of \"Time\", with the goal of creating the eternal zodiac clock and thus obtaining the title of \"Clock master\". Anyone knows that the building of a good clock isn\'t that simple. It requires: - a good reference of Time, what\'s a clock without time? - a good knowledge of Syntropy, because the clock predicts the future instant ticks. - the ability to manage Entropy, because it could be destabilizing for the clock\'s movements. - a deep understanding of Cyclicity, base of the flow of the seconds one after another. A note for all the fools who don\'t think \"Time\" and \"Reality\" exist as self-standing and absolute concepts: I\'ll prove to you that your idea is wrong. As anyone who researches over a clock knows, Time and Reality are the base of the existence of all: people, shadows, planes. In fact, what\'s the meaning of building a perfect clock, if the things it measures don\'t exist? As a \"Clock master\", I hate all the unchanging. It could be large stones, bad or good habits, lazyness or even this world himself. I lake what changes with time and in regular ways, like nature, music, life and death cycle and celestial movings. Remember: time in not good nor evil, it\'s only regular, so you could figure out what I may like. -Don\'t waste your time or time will waste you-
Some of my creatures
Grasan II Hollow Warrior

The house of clocks
This is my workplace, feel free to enter.

Page 440 - The Traveler
Still difficult to be seen by normal eyes, The Traveler tries to get bits of the discussion from a distance. "I am three men - two who are more complete than they seem, one who is less." (Oh my, and I thought I am twisted). Khal walks away slowly towards Marind's Bell, exiting the tunnel and heading back to its people. "Ah, a King I see; maybe we will meet one day." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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