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Player ID: 208990
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Regeneration : 15
Luck : 7
Energetic immunity : 23
Trade sense : 10
Briskness : 17
Initiative : 18
Defence : 21
Attack : 45
Power : 14
Royal Guard
Sun God Armour
Element Principle = 26
Principle of Enthropy = 27
Principle of Balance = 24
Darkness Principle = 20
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 213 | Lost: 925
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Who am I? Art thy shure thou desire to know?


I am Cuthilion, the Rope, former Dancer, the Patron of Assassins, the Assassin of High House Shadow

"Cuthilion appears human, tallish, with dark hair and even features. He is usually garbed in gray, tightly wrapped around his limbs, with a hood loosely covering his head. When in battle Cuthilion is armed with a dagger and an animated rope, both of which have a capacity to wound far beyond their initial appear"

Aon Icefon me mim
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Part of the RDFA

Day 3 Year 6, Willow's guards, one after the other, have fallen under the might of my army. my hounds have rejoyced on crushiong those empty armors.

Day 10 Year 6, the first of the lorerootian guards were defeated, although not completely gone, thanks to BFH's blessing.

Day 13 Year 6, I Have met a blood red stained archer. he is full of anger and resentment, and has joined my army to shed as much blood as he can. he is still a brute killer, but under my guidance he shall become a most powerfull sniper.

Day 16 Year 6, I have finished story mode, having found more then I seeked, and now will continue on to the next part of this adventure.

Day 20 Year 6, I am now free to roam on this lands once again.

Day 25 Year 6, the bloody archer have grown. It seems rage still burns inside him, but he is now more powerful, his arrows sharper. he still have a long way to go though...

Day 30 Year 6, a pair of golden Aramors, who called themselves the Imperial Aramors, have decided to join my army. they seem powerful, and yet untrained. I long to see what they might achieve with the correct guidance...

Day 34, Year 6, I have decided to take part on the group that searches to resurrect Sasha Lilias.

Some of my creatures
Shadow Sniper Rood Pimped Grasan Lost Shadow Talon

Page 124 - The Shade Ballance - Kh.
A commander aprouches Khalazdad, "Your Dark Majesty , we have a problem, our records are not big enough to keep track of all our new soldiers Not all of them are counted in the Necrovion millitary logs.." Turning his sight away, Khal speaks more for himself, "Who cares, they will die in battle anyway, no one will remember them...", "excuse me Sir what did you say?", "Nothing, nevermind the records, gather me new forces, we need to build a strong army for Necrovion". Under Khalazdad Leadership and his commanders, swarms of new recruits join the Necrovion army. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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